what would you do if you had 140mill CBD? (in General)

lostling April 9 2008 4:26 AM EDT

yep... simple question

Ulord[NK] April 9 2008 4:27 AM EDT

Imitate Freed, failing miserably.

Wasp April 9 2008 4:27 AM EDT

NCB then buy minions at the end :D

Flatcap [East Milwaukee Devival] April 9 2008 4:29 AM EDT

upgrade my TOA and get my equip to maximum allowance. Or sell it at 5$/mil and buy 250 feet of 10/3 romax to hook my dryer up and get new light fixtures

lostling April 9 2008 4:29 AM EDT

lol please you have to be more specific then that Ulord

Ulord[NK] April 9 2008 4:31 AM EDT

Scratch that, sell it for usd, then buy a lot of booze. Invite all Canadian CBer for a big party :)

lostling April 9 2008 4:37 AM EDT

1stly i live in Singapore ;)
2ndly 700USD - 840 USD would not pay for an airfare
3rdly 700USD - 840USD certainly would not be enough for a night out =x

yep stupid spellcheck

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] April 9 2008 4:38 AM EDT

Make a x4000 +whatever EXBow. ;)

lostling April 9 2008 4:42 AM EDT

9,317 per X 9,317 x4000 = 37mill...

lol 103mill left probably can make it larger then NS's lol

SimplyNic April 9 2008 4:56 AM EDT

xD Buy all the mess I've been trying to get then blow it all on upgrades

lostling April 9 2008 4:59 AM EDT

be specific lol... what stuff? upgrade to what lvls?

SimplyNic April 9 2008 5:07 AM EDT

Um... Okay then ^_^;;

items: Elven Cloak, Elven boots, AoF and just blow the rest into upgrades

Usul [CHOAM] April 9 2008 5:22 AM EDT

give it to me if you feel generous :)

Else just do what you want. You are 140mil richer than me.... so my advice probably makes no sense.

IndependenZ April 9 2008 5:30 AM EDT

If I had that kind of money, I'd spend it all on my UC minion Sonny. A bigger AoF, CGi, EC, EBs, HGs and HoE would boost his UC, DX and STR to enormous heights, making my PR go sky high and my score (hopefully) even higher :P

Phrede April 9 2008 5:33 AM EDT

get more then start an NCB and buy minons at the end (well done Wasp - you won) :)

Ulord[NK] April 9 2008 5:38 AM EDT

Sadly, you still can't afford buying BA the whole way, not even close..

lostling April 9 2008 5:46 AM EDT

=x freed please please please go single minion all the way~

Paddy Boy April 9 2008 6:23 AM EDT

"Two chicks at the same time" ;P

Michalastar April 9 2008 6:25 AM EDT

Naaaaahh.. PBI I reckon 5 chicks... and a guy is more your style

Daz April 9 2008 6:36 AM EDT

Hah... I'd buy 1 new minion, bringing me to 2 and equip them with everything I STILL need for them (Full elven, corn, DBs) and then upgrade everything I have until I hit my encumbrance, starting with my AGs, AoL and AoF. I'd also buy a tattoo the size of my MTL.

Then I'd start loaning it to people to compete with you, lostling.

Of course, all of that is what I hope to do anyway, besides the last one. Maybe the second last as well, because I'm never going to be able to buy one...

Ancient Anubis April 9 2008 7:00 AM EDT

if i had 140mil i would take my Amulet of Might up to +15 (20,593,509), tsa to +55 (31,286,907), bgs to +17 (21,748,958), ebs to +35 (29,972,914) and ec to + 15 (17,614,495). This leaves 18,783,217 which i would evenly distribute into my vb and SoD.

That's what i would do :)

King April 9 2008 7:17 AM EDT

i'd make a new ncb slowly upgrade/insta/BS my SoD to +175 with another 20m into the X, Spend 20m upgrading my VB and spend the remaining cb$ on a AoM, BGs and a TSA and anything that's left over would go towards a second minion after I've reached the encumbrance needed for everything.

Flamey April 9 2008 7:57 AM EDT

I'd put 100 mil of it into the + of my MH. 40 mil quite possibly into a ranged weapon, just for kicks.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 9 2008 8:02 AM EDT

spend it all on upgrades and still come in under my encumbrance, but just barely.

j'bob April 9 2008 8:03 AM EDT

Barring the urge to sell off for USD... and that would be a massive urge, I'd buy Steeds of the Apocalypse lvl 7,273,912. Yep Ranger, I sure would! Cause every man has his price. I can't say what else I'd do, cause I'm not sure what I would have left after that. Oh, well, I suppose first I'd pay off GW.

Lord Bob April 9 2008 8:29 AM EDT

Though the urge to start an NCB and hire minions at the end might be tempting, I think I'd hold firm to my N*B boycott and buy a ton of BA for my current char, mainly during krazy XP times. Maybe upgrade my enchanter equipment a small bit, since I can still get them under encumbrance. My attacker's stuff is on indefinite ban from the blacksmith until I get him back down to 0 encumbrance, so I'd have plenty of other things to use it for.

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] April 9 2008 8:49 AM EDT

start an ncb and buy ba till the very end

Tezmac April 9 2008 8:51 AM EDT

Even at $4/M, that's $560. I'd take a little getaway weekend with the gf.

forktoad April 9 2008 9:00 AM EDT

First I'd invest all in BA after starting a NCB. Then with what's left of the money I'd go out and buy the ST focussed tank armor, before buying a second minion just before the end of my NCB.

BootyGod April 9 2008 9:17 AM EDT


I'd run some CB contests. Whatever one of them contestmakergenius people had in mind. And I'd probably hoard it all to hire minions on my NCB after it ends. Dude, I may even be able to get in the 6/20!

Also, I'd buy at least one of every old supporter item. MgS, AoF would be first. I have everything else, I think. OH, AoL, but I don't have much of a use for it.

[P]Mitt April 9 2008 10:35 AM EDT

Upgrades. My mage has an encumbrance level of 55M and my wall has an encumbrance level of 115M, so it would all fit underneath :)

Edicinnej April 9 2008 10:41 AM EDT

I would finance the NCB that I am going to start during my next rotation through the HAPPYFUNTIME place.

lostling April 9 2008 11:00 AM EDT

i dont have a gf... any more lolol...

TheHatchetman April 9 2008 11:21 AM EDT

I'd pay to have my wall set named and start hiring forgers immediately for 400 AC. Aside from that, I'd continue as I am now until Wasp/Linguala were done with my Vorpal Blade. About a month or two before my VB's completion, I would start my NCB and get ready to make my way up to the top 5 :P

Soxjr April 9 2008 2:11 PM EDT

lostling. I would say Pay off my debt. Which would spend about 40 mil of your money. Then I would say to spend the rest upgrading 1 item to say you have the largest item in CB... or the largest of that item in CB, but the first part is much more important... haha

QBRanger April 9 2008 2:14 PM EDT


You do that the largest of 1 item in the game.

The mageseeker bow your using.

Unappreciated Misnomer April 9 2008 2:20 PM EDT

if i had 140mil i would spend it on A Pair of Alatar's Gloves+17 and waste it in 2 seconds to BS it to +20, then i only need 5 billion to get it to +26, then name it :P so the in effect its +28

Little Anthony April 9 2008 2:49 PM EDT

with 140mil cb2 I would pwn.

Paddy Boy April 9 2008 2:53 PM EDT

I'd send Michalaster a copy of Office Space. Then I'd start an NCB and hire a Cambodian slave girl for 5 bux to burn my ba for the duration. Meanwhile I'd virtually roll around in my virtual bed full of virtual money.

N0seBLeeD April 9 2008 2:57 PM EDT

I'd buy you a dress.. But not a reallll nice dresss, that's true..

And if i... had $140mil Cb....

QBRanger April 9 2008 3:36 PM EDT

Little Anthony: "with 140mil cb2 I would pwn."

After paying back your loans, just how would you pwn?

This I want to see.

AdminLamuness April 9 2008 3:54 PM EDT

Put all 140m into the Cabasset for a +1 upgrade.

th00p April 9 2008 4:15 PM EDT

I would do the same thing that I did with my 21m+ a few months ago.

Give it away to various people that I like and to charities and such.

Little Anthony April 9 2008 4:23 PM EDT

with 140mil i will pay my loan and then get a huge exbow and then get some ammo and then i will PWN.

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] April 9 2008 4:59 PM EDT

With 140 mil I would literally Upgrade a pair of DB so it is just under my Enc... then I would work it out so I could drain all of Koy's, King's, and Edy's Dex and make them whiff all 30 rounds, (Axbow) and then use the rest of the 140 to upgrade a mgs up as high as I can and laugh when Dude and Sut complain about how cheap it is to get to +60 and how much magic damage it reduces for that +60 O_o

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 9 2008 5:56 PM EDT

i feel mocked!

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] April 9 2008 6:35 PM EDT

You know I love you Dude... and you know I love your side of the Argument ^_^

three4thsforsaken April 9 2008 6:46 PM EDT

The biggest and best leather Gloves and leather Boots this world has seen.

Afterwords I will buy as many AoLs as i could, then sell them. I would then buy as many daggers as i could, hiring forgers to work on them, then giving them out on the 6th our on the 5th day of every month.

Finally, I would buy every single Corn going into Auctions, bringing up the value of corns, then I would send them to an inactive account and wait for it to be purged.


Don't Panic [TheGoodNamesAreGone] April 9 2008 7:27 PM EDT

I would buy 3 minions. Then spend the remaining 5 dollars on BA.
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