BL + Jiggy? (in General)

Andy March 15 2009 8:25 AM EDT

My ST on my jiggy is around 800k, so I train my BL to 200k. I equip my AoJ and I get this: Kano-san's shield flashes! [0] Kano-san bruised Desace [142226] Kano-san tapped Desace [124465] Kano-san tapped Desace [110754] Kano-san tapped Desace [111339] Kano-san tapped Desace [117409] Kano-san bruised Desace [127216] Kano-san bruised Desace [131172] Kano-san bruised Desace [100020] Kano-san beat Desace [157449] Kano-san bruised Desace [130792] Kano-san beat Desace [130912] Kano-san fractured Desace [143028] Kano-san pounded Desace [127142] Kano-san crunched Desace [139558] Kano-san pounded Desace [100198] Kano-san pounded Desace [151380] Kano-san crunched Desace [123595] Kano-san pulverized Desace [121498] And then I unequip my AoJ to equip a +7 AoF and fight the same person to get this: Kano-san bruised Desace [99763] Kano-san bruised Desace [135554] Kano-san bruised Desace [95362] Kano-san bruised Desace [91292] Kano-san tapped Desace [133685] Kano-san bruised Desace [113681] Kano-san tapped Desace [106060] Kano-san tapped Desace [107924] Kano-san bruised Desace [136060] Kano-san bruised Desace [94117] Kano-san tapped Desace [121989] Kano-san bruised Desace [89944] Kano-san bruised Desace [91080] Kano-san pounded Desace [108659] Kano-san crunched Desace [136931] Kano-san pounded Desace [102766] Kano-san crunched Desace [107406] Kano-san crunched Desace [104150] Kano-san crunched Desace [90112] Kano-san pounded Desace [126655] Kano-san pulverized Desace [116056] Kano-san pulverized Desace [110940] Kano-san crushed Desace [135257] Is BL worth it? And also on a wholly different note... My SoC flashes for 0 all the time!

Talion March 15 2009 8:33 AM EDT

Well, seems that with BL you do about 10K to 30K extra damage per hit at only 800K ST. To me that is worth it. That's about 20K to 60K extra if you get double hits and 30K to 90K if you get triple hits.

Looks worth it to me.

AdminTal Destra March 15 2009 8:38 AM EDT

Kano-san's shield flashes! [0]
Kano-san bruised Desace [142226]
Kano-san tapped Desace [124465]
Kano-san tapped Desace [110754]
Kano-san tapped Desace [111339]
Kano-san tapped Desace [117409]
Kano-san bruised Desace [127216]
Kano-san bruised Desace [131172]
Kano-san bruised Desace [100020]
Kano-san beat Desace [157449]
Kano-san bruised Desace [130792]
Kano-san beat Desace [130912]
Kano-san fractured Desace [143028]
Kano-san pounded Desace [127142]
Kano-san crunched Desace [139558]
Kano-san pounded Desace [100198]
Kano-san pounded Desace [151380]
Kano-san crunched Desace [123595]
Kano-san pulverized Desace [121498]
And then I unequip my AoJ to equip a +7 AoF and fight the same person to get this:
Kano-san bruised Desace [99763]
Kano-san bruised Desace [135554]
Kano-san bruised Desace [95362]
Kano-san bruised Desace [91292]
Kano-san tapped Desace [133685]
Kano-san bruised Desace [113681]
Kano-san tapped Desace [106060]
Kano-san tapped Desace [107924]
Kano-san bruised Desace [136060]
Kano-san bruised Desace [94117]
Kano-san tapped Desace [121989]
Kano-san bruised Desace [89944]
Kano-san bruised Desace [91080]
Kano-san pounded Desace [108659]
Kano-san crunched Desace [136931]
Kano-san pounded Desace [102766]
Kano-san crunched Desace [107406]
Kano-san crunched Desace [104150]
Kano-san crunched Desace [90112]
Kano-san pounded Desace [126655]
Kano-san pulverized Desace [116056]
Kano-san pulverized Desace [110940]
Kano-san crushed Desace [135257]

AdminTal Destra March 15 2009 8:39 AM EDT

oh and i just cleaned it up a lil

AdminShade March 15 2009 8:44 AM EDT

perhaps re-post the entire thing in a proper way, I can't make soup out of the entire thing. (i.e. where are your rounds or do you deca hit?)

three4thsforsaken March 15 2009 9:37 AM EDT

There is supposed to be tons more damage on the first hit. I don't see that.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 15 2009 11:33 AM EDT

the soc thing has been in known issues almost since its inception with no response from the devs. i have also messaged them with no response. i am hoping it is addressed this changemonth though.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 15 2009 11:48 AM EDT

Anyone tried UC on a jiggy yet?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 15 2009 12:11 PM EDT

Kano-san's shield flashes! [0]
Kano-san tapped Mrs. County, eventually [203223]
Kano-san tapped Mrs. County, eventually [234458]
Kano-san crunched Mrs. County, eventually [270344]

here is another instance of the soc not doing anything. i have never seen a hit where my soc did any damage upon flashing. i can certainly post more instances if it is necessary.

Andy March 15 2009 3:02 PM EDT

Sorry! Was rushed for time! I sometimes do triple hits... And I don't know how to edit my original post >_<

And I can't do UC since it puts my jiggy up front and it just gets shot ^^

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 15 2009 3:05 PM EDT

put a SoD on your minion problem solved for your Jiggy placement :)

Andy March 15 2009 3:06 PM EDT

I want to keep my jiggy to the rear zenai ^^ So no I will not put a SoD on my minion!

QBOddBird March 15 2009 3:09 PM EDT

OB flashes Kano-san! [0]

three4thsforsaken March 15 2009 3:10 PM EDT

^ Kano-san was not impressed.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 15 2009 3:50 PM EDT

"OB flashes Kano-san! [0]"

i certainly hope it was cold out!
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