September 10 2009 11:30 AM EDT
I hope I don't need to tell you why the current system is (to put it mildly) quite weird, by destroying massive amounts of tattoos whenever reinked, the only drawback to a strategic change being CB$ and patience to find the needed tattoo type.
Whenever you retrain your minions, you have to sacrifice a certain portion of your XP.
What if you would have to make the same tough choice with tattoos ?
what if we brought back the old system, just adding this to the mix ?
So the proposal would be this : reinking a tattoo would ONLY require some symbolic amount of CB$ (say 100k, but if you feel more is needed, why not, make it more), BUT YOU WOULD LOSE 5% OF THE TATTOO LEVEL (for tattoos above L20, of course).
This is a pretty harsh penalty already, and should seriously limit the amount of tattoo changes.
If you feel 5% is too much or too little, anything from 2% to 10% losses would be acceptable alternatives.
September 10 2009 11:34 AM EDT
Do you remember the time it was 1% xp loss?
At the top levels it would be far worse than the current system.
I give this a resounding-NO!
September 10 2009 11:44 AM EDT
"At the top levels it would be far worse than the current system."
Thet's the whole point - you should feel a loss proportional to the effort invested in it so far.
That would be the only obstacle in the face of re-inking. Whenever the tattoo choice finally becomes unbearable for some reason, you would step on your pride and change its purpose... the same way you would be reluctant to untrain all your EXP and reassign it to some other place.
At the higher tiers, tattoo SWAPS would become more common instead of tattoo reinkings, and neither would happen all too often.
On the other hand, small tattoos become quite easy to obtain, as there's plenty of supply now that their destruction is no longer necessary on top of the fact that changing them from one type to the other would only require a small amount of cash plus some negligible loss in level.
I see it as a win-win situation (with a bit of inconvenience for the top, but that's about it). Give people ample warning of the upcoming change, so that they can still use the current system to switch "for cheap" at the high levels... but after that...
September 10 2009 11:47 AM EDT
If you have a 5M tattoo, which is not that uncommon, and want to try a new strategy, you lose 5% for changing it, and another 5% if you did not like it?
So that is 500k levels from just trying a new strategy?
It is certainly not a win-win as you suggest. More like a lose-lose except for those with smallish tattoos who can insta up later on.
And for those wanting to insta, they would have to lose 5% to change it to the tattoo they really need, unless they were lucky enough to find one of the exact type they need.
sucked then, sucks now... NO
I have to agree with Ranger on this losing Tattoo levels to re-ink would be unreal not to mention unfair. Getting to the top levels with a tattoo is hard enough as it is let's not add more to it. I would say make it cost more as an alternative.
keep the current system but offer base tats in the specialty items store as well! ; )
I'm like the motives behinds this suggestion, but in reality there would be many more unanticipated negative side affects because of the nature of our community.
September 10 2009 1:45 PM EDT
I still do not know why the past system of 400k a pop to change was not good enough to keep.
September 10 2009 1:53 PM EDT
Just a guess, but Jon may have been seeking a tattoo sink to reduce quantity.
September 10 2009 3:57 PM EDT
"If you have a 5M tattoo, which is not that uncommon, and want to try a new strategy, you lose 5% for changing it, and another 5% if you did not like it?
So that is 500k levels from just trying a new strategy?"
Well, it could be 2% XP loss one-way, and let's say that we keep the "revert" option we have now (at no additional XP loss)... so that would be a 100k level loss just from trying a new strategy :P
"I still do not know why the past system of 400k a pop to change was not good enough to keep. "
Well, that would have been awesome, but for some reason Jon considered it "too cheap" :|
I thought this would be one alternative that doesn't unnecessarily punish the small characters yet still makes it costly enough for the higher-ups to prevent them from changing back and forth.
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