High MPR characters and NCB BA regeneration. (in General)
October 7 2009 11:28 AM EDT
I was thinking about why someone would retire their large MPR character before starting a NCB. I saw that Brakke Bres had retired his huge MPR character and is now running an NCB.
My questions is: I assume the BA regen rate stays the same when you make an NCB if your high MPR character is still active, so, on your NCB character do you still get increased rewards based on BA regen level?
I was wondering this because once I get to 6/20 BA regen, I never want to leave it again to go through the sleepless Hell of 10/20, 9/20 BA regen ever again! I enjoy sleeping and my overall performance is drastically improved when I get 8+ hours of sleep.
I really hope that the rewards are increased, even on the NCB character, according to the BA regen rate.
October 7 2009 11:30 AM EDT
The cost of buying BA with a NCB is multiplied by the NCB bonus to xp.
The cost of buying BA is also related to the MPR of your highest active character.
So if you have a 4M MPR character your BA base cost will be something like 1332 per BA.
Multiply that by 5 given a 400% NCB and you have a massive cost.
But if you retire that character, and just have your low MPR NCB active, your base BA costs drop. And therefore your cost to buy NCB BA drop.
"on your NCB character do you still get increased rewards based on BA regen level?"
you do not, you get your rewards based on the ba regen rate of the character fighting, so if you are fighting with your ncb, you will pay the cost of your highest mpr for bought ba but your rewards will be based on your ncb.
Actually, the BA cost is only multiplied for the NCB. The BA cost is the maximum BA cost out of all of your characters, and the BA limit and regen is the minimum. Rewards, however, remain the same, so if you have a 6/20 char and a 10/20 NCB, you're losing 40% of your growth.
October 7 2009 11:55 AM EDT
isn't that exactly what dudemus is saying but with different wording?
I was responding to Ranger.
October 7 2009 11:59 AM EDT
mea culpa =)
I'm not actually running an NCB, I'm contemplating my options here. In the mean while I'm testing out strategies with the RoE.
October 7 2009 1:22 PM EDT
retiring isnt so bad with the current option in retirement, i am juggling my guy back and forth until my current ncb catchs up to the same regen rate.
retire your high lvl mpr char, then when 4 days passes, un retire and re retire.
just a warning, if you miss the window, bye bye character, so only do this if you know you will be here to un retire within the given window.
God Bless you!
Jesus Loves you!
Nehemiah, you can pay 50k to have an admin unretire it if it's not within that window.
October 7 2009 4:51 PM EDT
so, that means when my ncb ends i will pay less to buy ba?
October 7 2009 4:58 PM EDT
Your NCB already ended, Knight.
October 7 2009 5:15 PM EDT
"so, that means when my ncb ends i will pay less to buy ba?" - KW
You still have a NCB? I thought your NCB expired already.
October 7 2009 5:16 PM EDT
Darn you, Marl. Slow down your typing.
October 7 2009 6:54 PM EDT
Thank you guys for all the good info! I have exactly what I need to know now. You guys are great!
seems a little silly for an admin to have to unretire a character if semi-retiring chars is forced as a common pratice.. perhaps we should have an unretire link that allows you to unretire a char for 50K?
perhaps we should have an unretire link that allows you to unretire a char for 50K?
Why didnt I think of that O.O..
Your NCB already ended, Knight.
Made me LoL :D
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