More drops (in General)

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 23 2010 10:41 AM EDT

I have gotten two in two days...

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Assassin's Crossbow [4x11] (+4). Use it well! ..Today

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Helm of Ecthelion [6]. Use it well! ... Yesterday

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 23 2010 10:53 AM EDT

Still not got one.

*heart* RNG.


VsCountStrum [Black Watch] March 23 2010 11:05 AM EDT

I was going to say that still had not received one, but I decided to check my chatlog. I actually got a Hal, a few days ago. That is my first in months.

Also nice, since I wanted a Hal so that I could experiment with different Tattoos.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 23 2010 11:07 AM EDT

Ulmo loves me.

Gandalf March 23 2010 2:24 PM EDT

Just got a Katana :)

AdminG Beee March 23 2010 2:58 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x2] (+4). Use it well!

PS. Everyone loves you Bast.

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] March 23 2010 9:15 PM EDT

Just a moment ago I got a nice little ELB for my troubles.

{CB1}Sparticus [Screwed Justice] March 24 2010 3:19 AM EDT


[mail:] Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Cornuthaum [0] (+3). Use it well!

first drop in almost 3 months

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 24 2010 7:43 PM EDT

Well I'll be....

>Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+5). Use it well!

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 24 2010 11:11 PM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Might [0] (+8). Use it well!

Still to high.

DoS March 24 2010 11:39 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [4] (+4). Use it well!
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x3] (+4). Use it well!

In the same hour.

AdminShade March 25 2010 2:12 AM EDT

and yet we should get it more evenly divided? Think it's not working... no drops while still fighting a lot.

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 25 2010 2:52 AM EDT

Would you like one of mine Shade? I got an exbow, a spare hal, a corn, a Combat Gi and an AoM since the change.

renamedname [The Forgehood] March 25 2010 4:55 AM EDT

And I didn't get anything since the change while others got up to 5 (or more?). As I mentioned before: with the small population that CB is a RNG will lead to an unfair distribution. (And while I'm at it: There is no such thing as RNG in present computer hardware. Just algorithms that try to be clever and have properties comparable to randomness. With many samples the output can considered something like "random", but about 500 samples really isn't big enough.)

Everyone got -20% rewards, some get compensation, others none. Broken.

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 25 2010 7:26 AM EDT

Still offering the above items to those significantly less gifted then myself.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 25 2010 8:04 AM EDT

Still nothing.

WickedlySane March 25 2010 9:08 AM EDT

Been playing for about a month not a single thing. I dunno if your all buying mass loads of BA or what but I never get any drops :( *sigh* oh well....

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 25 2010 9:12 AM EDT

only wins will trigger drops wickedly, you are only winning 59% of your battles for the last 24 hours. if that is pretty standard, then over 250 of your battles per day aren't even counting as far as the drop system is concerned.

WickedlySane March 25 2010 10:10 AM EDT

Yea that is true.

Need to level up my ToA then I will be ok, haha :)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 25 2010 10:19 AM EDT

Also wicked, you get free BA, so you should use it as much as possible.

renamedname [The Forgehood] March 25 2010 11:26 AM EDT

He's not getting free BA as his account is from 2005. ;)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 25 2010 11:33 AM EDT

Whoa whoops, well keep chugging then, you've got the tough road ;)

WickedlySane March 25 2010 11:39 AM EDT

Yea pretty much, I think thats what everyone does just chuggin along. lol.

I just started playing again BTW I used to play way back in 05 and then stopped for a good couple years and then I remembered it again so here I am, haha :)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 25 2010 11:40 AM EDT

Well nice to have you back.

Gandalf March 25 2010 12:37 PM EDT

Very nice, got a pair of AG's :) Lucky!

ScY March 25 2010 3:00 PM EDT

Ulmo took away the shoulder he gave me because I made his tee shirt all wet from my tears.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 26 2010 5:18 AM EDT

From: system (5:16 AM EDT)
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Stiletto [55x9] (+8). Use it well!


RNG at it's finest. Nothing for a month, then two in a couple of days. ;)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 26 2010 8:37 AM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Shadow Cloak [11] (+6). Use it well!

Yay! (Obviously a present from Mandos for finally watching Serenity...)

Mikel [Bring it] March 26 2010 5:49 PM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+0). Use it well!

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 26 2010 7:10 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 6:03 PM EDT Delivered: 6:03 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Set of Tulkas' Gauntlets [6] (+1). Use it well!

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] March 26 2010 7:39 PM EDT

dude ... if its triggered by wins ... whats my problem ?

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 26 2010 8:03 PM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of AC [0] (+8). Use it well!

From nothing in months to two in one day... I really should have watched Serenity sooner!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 27 2010 3:43 PM EDT

From: system (3:39 PM EDT)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+4). Use it well!

............./me Sighs

idiotz March 27 2010 9:49 PM EDT

Still none. :p

winner winner March 28 2010 7:14 AM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Solitude lvl 20. Use it well!

yay! much more drops for me now

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] March 28 2010 4:54 PM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Might [0] (+9). Use it well!

Nice! Got a pair of AGs+9 one or two months ago, and now an AoM. I don't think I've fought 10k battles since my last drop, but I don't have a log which could confirm this.


renamedname [The Forgehood] March 29 2010 3:38 AM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [4] (+7). Use it well!

Finally! First drop since ... ehm. I don't even know anymore! :(

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] March 29 2010 7:55 AM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Electric Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!


Lord Bob March 29 2010 3:57 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Electric Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Wow, that's two in a week. Very nice.

winner winner March 29 2010 8:15 PM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+9). Use it well!

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 29 2010 8:33 PM EDT

From: system (8:31 PM EDT)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Halidon Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

15 in total Since the system was Implemented.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] March 29 2010 9:49 PM EDT

0000000000000000000 for me

Ulmo is disgusted in your attempts to battle -1 Morgul-Hammer 84x10+3

AdminShade March 30 2010 1:34 AM EDT

More drops

not for me then :(

DaH4mburglar March 30 2010 1:49 AM EDT

Just got an far that makes 3 of them. 2 katanas and a ToE. woohoo..

Sickone March 30 2010 6:55 AM EDT

I've had a _FLOOD_ of them the past week or so... beforehand, having had next to no drops worth mentioning ever since the drop system was introduced.

From: system Sent: March 18 12:31 AM EDT Delivered: March 18 4:07 AM EDT
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Combat Gi [1] (+2). Use it well!

From: system Sent: March 19 1:59 PM EDT Delivered: March 19 3:36 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Sling of Death [5x10] (+7). Use it well!

From: system Sent: March 25 8:39 PM EDT Delivered: March 25 8:39 PM EDT
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+0). Use it well!

From: system Sent: March 26 10:40 AM EDT Delivered: March 26 10:40 AM EDT
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Cloak [4] (+1). Use it well!

From: system Sent: March 26 8:40 PM EDT Delivered: March 26 8:40 PM EDT
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Electric Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

From: system Sent: March 29 1:14 AM EDT Delivered: March 29 2:35 AM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Shield of Capacity [0] (+3). Use it well!

From: system Sent: (March 30) 6:51 AM EDT Delivered: 6:51 AM EDT
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Halidon Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Mikel [Bring it] March 30 2010 8:50 AM EDT

Same as sickone, I haven't gotten as many as him, but I'm getting more now due to the change when before I considered myself lucky to get one every other month:

From: system Sent: March 21 3:34 AM EDT Delivered: March 21 1:06 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Solitude lvl 20. Use it well!

From: system Sent: March 18 4:14 PM EDT Delivered: March 18 4:22 PM EDT
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Fire Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 30 2010 9:11 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Steel Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

16 and counting

Shadow Ruler March 31 2010 4:36 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Shield of Capacity [0] (+3). Use it well!


Slavgaard March 31 2010 4:43 PM EDT

not seen anything yet..sigh..ok..only 6k battles but you would figure somethning would pop..unless I have to get to 10k to have it pop.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] March 31 2010 4:48 PM EDT

^ I've pretty much been getting a drop every 10k fights, since the system was implemented. If the gods don't decide that you'll be super-unlucky, something should drop soon.

Anyways, you should be able to afford all you want with that tasty NuB ;)

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] March 31 2010 4:51 PM EDT

15k on my ncb and not a single drop ...

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] March 31 2010 5:00 PM EDT

It's lottery, so of course some people will never get anything, while others will get plenty.

Since the system was tweaked though, it's more likely that we'll all get drops at a rate that is common between us. Least that's what I understood was the goal with the changes lately...

DoS March 31 2010 5:08 PM EDT

From: system Sent: March 30 11:31 AM EDT Delivered: March 30 11:31 AM EDT
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Elven Boots [10] (+9). Use it well!

renamedname [The Forgehood] March 31 2010 5:09 PM EDT

More likely it will end as a Poisson_distribution. Some getting none, others getting loads.

TheHatchetman March 31 2010 5:27 PM EDT

not seen anything yet..sigh..ok..only 6k battles but you would figure somethning would pop..unless I have to get to 10k to have it pop.

with things the way they are, you could get one at 10k battles, or your very first battle, or not until you've racked up 35k battles... randomness ftw :P

AdminShade March 31 2010 5:54 PM EDT

8000 battles later, still none.

Gandalf March 31 2010 6:02 PM EDT

Got a katana today.

AdminTal Destra April 1 2010 12:01 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Spellboosters [4] (+7). Use it well!

so far thats 2 SB and one CoI

Unappreciated Misnomer April 1 2010 12:29 PM EDT

From: system (12:28 PM EDT)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a Set of Tulkas' Gauntlets. Use it well!

Unappreciated Misnomer April 1 2010 12:35 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 12:33 PM EDT Delivered: 12:33 PM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a Tower Shield. Use it well!

umm thanks

Unappreciated Misnomer April 1 2010 12:36 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 12:35 PM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a Helm of Ecthelion. Use it well!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 1 2010 12:39 PM EDT

Two drops in 10 BA

Unappreciated Misnomer April 1 2010 12:42 PM EDT

yea now check if they are there. my last 3 drops shouldnt count


Invader Sye April 1 2010 12:43 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a Buckler of Mandos. Use it well! (still waiting for it Ulmo "stand and deliver")

Unappreciated Misnomer April 1 2010 12:45 PM EDT

well im waiting for mine

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a Helm of Intelligence. Use it well!

TrueDevil [AAA] April 1 2010 12:51 PM EDT


From: system Sent: 12:49 PM EDT Delivered: 12:49 PM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a Boots of Speed. Use it well!

There's no such thing in my inventory...

Last Gasp April 1 2010 12:54 PM EDT

From: system (12:53 PM EDT)
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a Halberd. Use it well!

From: system (12:53 PM EDT)
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a 2008 CB T-shirt. Use it well!

Back to back and an extra TSHIRT! WOOT!

Last Gasp April 1 2010 12:56 PM EDT

And yet neither actually appeared in my inventory. Fun!

Lord Bob April 1 2010 1:16 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a Battle Axe. Use it well!

Wow! Three in two weeks!

Lord Bob April 1 2010 1:16 PM EDT

Gah! It was an April fools joke. I received no battle axe.

dj1914 April 1 2010 9:28 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 9:26 PM EDT Delivered: 9:26 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a Kite Shield. Use it well!

i can hardly wait to tell all my friends.....

TheHatchetman April 1 2010 10:31 PM EDT

oops... clicked 'view all non-system' to get to my CM box... it seems they are stored, but don't count toward your message capacity, as i still have 41 non-system, 9 legitimate system messages, and a couple dozen goofdrop messages

AdminNightStrike April 3 2010 9:23 AM EDT

There is not a limit on chatmails by volume, just by age (two weeks, IIRC).

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 5 2010 3:29 AM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x10] (+0). Use it well!

16th item..

TheHatchetman April 7 2010 1:24 AM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Cloak [4] (+9). Use it well!

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] April 7 2010 3:25 AM EDT

I thought there wasn't a limit. I have had my CM fill up with about 500+ messages before.

TheHatchetman April 7 2010 10:13 AM EDT

I coulda sworn there was a 50-message limit... Guess not though.

Invader Sye April 7 2010 8:07 PM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mageseeker [5x11] (+6). Use it well!

TheHatchetman April 7 2010 10:06 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [4]. Use it well!

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 8 2010 8:55 AM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of AC [0] (+1). Use it well!

AdminG Beee April 8 2010 3:29 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 5:22 AM EDT Delivered: 5:46 AM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Augmentation lvl 20. 
Use it well!

From: system Sent: April 6 7:29 AM EDT Delivered: April 6 7:30 AM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Ice Familiar lvl 20. 
Use it well! 

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] April 9 2010 4:03 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Balrog Flame lvl 20. Use it well! thank you

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] April 12 2010 10:49 PM EDT


AdminShade April 15 2010 3:53 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!


Gandalf April 16 2010 4:46 AM EDT

Sweet! Just got a BoTH. :)

Sickone April 16 2010 10:14 AM EDT

So after a brief period of overflowing drops (when almost everybody else also got loads of'em)... now it's back to "drops ? what drops ?" for me :)

Unappreciated Misnomer April 17 2010 11:46 AM EDT

From: system (4:58 AM EDT)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!


Invader Sye April 17 2010 2:17 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Solitude lvl 20. Use it well!

TheHatchetman April 19 2010 12:41 PM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Junction [0] (+10). Use it well!

TheHatchetman April 19 2010 8:42 PM EDT

second one today ^_^

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Augmentation lvl 20. Use it well!
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