Fried egg, fried egg, cereal, I see my Fraaaans ! (in Links)

Sickone March 19 2011 7:19 AM EDT

The original horror:

+++ ultra-super-duper special, music industry remedial edition :

AdminShade March 19 2011 8:44 AM EDT

I hear her sing Friday Friday, I see my friends... ?

Fuhgawz March 19 2011 10:34 AM EDT

I feel dumber after watching this video. Seems this girl just learned the days of the week.

Sickone March 19 2011 11:06 AM EDT

I hear her sing Friday Friday, I see my friends... ?

Yes, you do. But that's because you're auto-correcting for expected meaning. Listen to just the section in question repeatedly instead of the whole area and you might start hearing something else too :P

Sickone March 19 2011 11:07 AM EDT

I feel dumber after watching this video. Seems this girl just learned the days of the week

Click the video and look at number of views.
It was 15 mil two days ago and 10 mil a week ago.
It's 21.7 mil now.

Ouch ? :)

BadFish March 19 2011 12:00 PM EDT

She needs to make some shirts or something... capitalize on this while she can still make some dough.

QBOddBird March 19 2011 12:42 PM EDT

She'll still make dough from her tween target audience. Go through the comments, you'll find hundreds defending her and the music she produces - not just trolldefending or white knighting, but actually defending the music as though it were...well, music.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 19 2011 12:48 PM EDT

She definitely says "I see my frans." I got about 35 seconds into it this time (second viewing) before I burst out into laughter because of that.

Sickone March 19 2011 1:37 PM EDT

The original Rickroll video has 46 mil views.
Right now, this one is up to 22.1 mil views already (just look above at timestamp and views count).

Gentlemen, move over, this is the official new RickRoll - bigger, better, with more raaaAAAAAAAAAaaaage !!!

Lord Bob March 19 2011 2:41 PM EDT

Somebody shoot me.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 19 2011 2:59 PM EDT

This is the single worst thread in the history of CB

Lord Bob March 19 2011 3:04 PM EDT

I didn't watch the video here because I already saw it on another forum earlier this week. But I had to try again just to check for the "frans." Sure enough, there it is at 0:35. And that's as far as I could go with it.

Sickone March 19 2011 3:12 PM EDT

This is the single worst thread in the history of CB

Oh, come on, epic mullet guy was epic :)

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 19 2011 3:41 PM EDT

We truly are the great satan. Dunno bout virgins in heaven but I'm looking to get strapped. :P

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 19 2011 4:21 PM EDT

What has the world come to?

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 19 2011 5:21 PM EDT

It's also number 26 on iTunes top 100

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 19 2011 5:28 PM EDT

This makes me very happy that you have to be 18 to vote.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 19 2011 5:31 PM EDT

Sickone March 20 2011 10:37 AM EDT

It's also number 26 on iTunes top 100

You've got to be kidding me... Really ?!? Damn !

P.S. Disappointed by the lack of praise towards epic mullet guy :p

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] March 20 2011 12:15 PM EDT

This is what passes for music now? ugh. If piracy was destroying the music industry, this validates it.

Demigod March 20 2011 12:34 PM EDT

That link now has over 26 million views. Just. That. Link.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 20 2011 2:59 PM EDT

This is the single worst thread in the history of CB

Well I wouldn't got that far. I will however say that people have been using slang/altered words in songs and poetry since their inception. Definitely not on my like it list but honestly I have heard much much worse. *cringes at the memories*

AdminShade March 20 2011 3:03 PM EDT

And Simon Cowell wants to meet her! :O

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 20 2011 9:22 PM EDT

-2 fran black, +3 epic mullet
The balance between epic and fail has been restored.

Sickone March 25 2011 5:33 AM EDT



655,816 dislikes


A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 25 2011 6:26 AM EDT

Phoenix [The Forgehood] March 25 2011 7:34 AM EDT

It passed the rickroll? >.<

Sickone March 25 2011 3:02 PM EDT

It passed the rickroll? >.<



AdminQBVerifex March 25 2011 3:30 PM EDT

Wait, wait, this isn't a joke??

Damn, I can make a song like this, just sing about waking up, eating food, driving to work, sitting in a chair, working, working, then going home, eating food and going to sleep.

It's the perfect song for people who hate lyrics!

Sickone March 27 2011 7:43 PM EDT

Sickone March 28 2011 5:26 AM EDT

Oh, you thought THAT was bad ?

Guess what...


We're all doomed !

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 28 2011 7:28 AM EDT


On a more serious note. She shows talent at being bad.
Michael Jackson Remix! "I'm bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad.."

Fishead March 31 2011 1:36 PM EDT

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 31 2011 3:19 PM EDT

^ That doesn't surprise me one bit, I cant think of any teenie-boppers that actually write their own stuff anyway.

Its still the worst song ever written, regardless who wrote it.

Anyone else notice that at the end of the remix (yeah I subjected myself to it.. ugh) the guy says "We can make an omelet if you want." Think that's a tip to the whole "fried egg" bit everyone's making fun of? Cause I do.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 31 2011 4:20 PM EDT

Already knew she didn't write that insult to ears. Still blame her for singing trash lyrics, sounding horrible even with magic mouth(SNL skit reference), and supplying more hate for her generation.

Think there were a number of fried egg comments in that remix, but I dare not subject myself to that again. Save the World! Sink the Ark!

QBOddBird April 5 2011 9:38 AM EDT

モWell, the choice between the front seat and the back seat is actually a metaphor for American foreign policy. The front seat - Afghanistan; the back seat - Iraq. We gotta make our mind up.ヤ

lol, best thing everrrrr

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] April 15 2011 6:53 AM EDT

103 mil views at the time of this post. Curiosity gave me a ulcer.

AdminTal Destra April 18 2011 8:43 AM EDT

This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=003Asm">Fried egg, fried egg, cereal, I see my Fraaaans !</a>