dudemus: Fair enough I thought it was directed towards me I apologize.
GodZombie/whatever for this month or mood:
Zenai, I'm guessing you didn't really get Natasha's point.
Got it didn't care for the brushoff, and honestly it STILL did not answer the question it merely made the point it was not #1 on the priority list.
The reason this isn't happening is because NOTHING is happening. There is incredibly limited development time on the game right now and it's not the fault of the developers who's only crime is having a life.
Duh didn't say otherwise I just wanted to know if it could even be done.
Maybe this is on a long list of planned changes for the game. But I can't imagine it being the most important (Or the easiest/quickest). And, even more importantly, I certainly hope they have more important things to do than getting on the forums to calm one or two irate players.
Don't know hence why I freaking asked once again duh. I am not expecting them to come and placate me what I am and have been asking os for a straight answeer for once instead of the damned runaround get the point GW/Z/etc etc
So many players refuse to look at CB's situation logically right now. Thinking of new ideas, posting about them, talking about them are all GREAT things to do. But once you become angry over them, you're crossing the line from hopeful and eager about the future to just annoying and arrogant. No offense meant (truthfully) but you need to be rational about why this change hasn't happened.
Who in the hell are you to tell me I am not rational in saying why shouldn't CPs be put on the player's account instead of the clan. I see nothing wrong or illogical in asking that question.
You're upset because an admin tries to placate you. That's unreasonable. Sometimes, apologies and plans are all that can be given. All that SHOULD be given.
That is the biggest line of HORSEPUCKY I have ever heard I most certainly have the right to say, act and feel the way I do and if YOU don't like it dont read or participate in the forum it's that simple.
You want a reason? Let me take a crack at it in simplified terms.
Not from you. Now you know and can keep the explanation to yourself.
It's not done because the developers don't have time to spend on people's completely useless bragging rights (Which is all overall Clan Points really are, as they have no use after 24 hours, do they?) when there are so many other things their limited time can be used on.
I'm dumb not stupids the idea has not passed me by. Once again it was a freaking question.
Maybe NS or Jon have another reason it won't/can't be done. Maybe they do have time and hate us. But this reason almost certainly applies RIGHT NOW.
Got this idea too duh hence why it was a QUESTION. Also why I wanted a simple straight forward answer if you don't have it move along so that the one(s) who can will be able to.
Notice, I'm not against wanting changes. Just people (And I've done this in the past and probably will again) acting entitled to explanations and changes when the answers are so often right there in plain sight, and then getting angry when they don't feel like they've gotten the attention they deserve.
It's not attention I want it is the answer to a simple freaking question is it really that damned hard to answer it?