Last day Grats to Areo (in Off-topic)

QBRanger February 16 2012 2:27 PM EST

MPR 7,143,410

Very well done!

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] February 16 2012 2:27 PM EST

still a minion to hire if i remember right, also.

Quyen February 16 2012 3:04 PM EST

Grats.. he gets 7.4M MPR if he hires? :D

Joel February 16 2012 6:54 PM EST

Congratulations!!! You win CB2!! Now, for the post-game content! :D))

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 16 2012 6:58 PM EST

amazing run!

Demigod February 16 2012 7:16 PM EST

It really is impressive. Great job.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 16 2012 10:37 PM EST

Awesome job. Shows what an NCB is capable of. (with junk loads of CB$ and wicked hard work)

DoS February 16 2012 11:05 PM EST

Sweet :D!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 16 2012 11:15 PM EST

damn he almost got me... sheesh I need to get my butt in gear

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] February 17 2012 12:41 AM EST

Well I was darn close to guessing his final mpr sans the last hire. Grats man.

Areodjarekput February 17 2012 12:55 AM EST

Anomander Rake: 7,163,475

And, because it was brought up:
Construct: 7,159,740

...just sayin'

[Jedi] Danludar February 17 2012 1:26 AM EST

Congrats man quite a feat!!!

{cb2}Dinh February 17 2012 4:26 AM EST

amazing run bro

Guardian February 17 2012 5:02 AM EST

hey remember this thread!!!! Areo NCB MPR Estimation

moskel [187ELiTE] February 17 2012 7:15 AM EST

108k off, I should have helped with a few more clan points to get within 100k for the bigger prize ;)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 17 2012 11:22 AM EST

NICE Areo!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 17 2012 11:23 AM EST

7,165,662 (*snicker*)

QBRanger February 17 2012 11:28 AM EST

Here are the final guesses:
Shade - 9,999,999
Reyth - 7,271,390
Moskel - 7,271,389
Rubberduck[T] - 7,049,000
Xeno - 7,024,666
malS 'lo emaS - 6,992,995
Gohan - 6,905,555
Marlfox - 6,843,000
Fishead - 6,789,876
Duke - 6,712,000
TheArtistHaze - 6,666,669
Tal Destra - 6,666,668
Demigod - 6,666,667
Dudemus - 6,666,666
Ranger - 6,500,000
SK - 6,456,252
Atomicboy - 6,375,000
Quyen - 5,900,001
Titan - 5,850,000
AK - 5,810,412
KW - 5,500,000
Dirty Tree and a Turd - 5,400,000

Areodjarekput February 17 2012 11:39 AM EST

I'm waiting for a CM to hire, and I will not train anything other than the hire. After that, the final total will be in (I did say 4 minions), and I will announce the results.

Quyen February 17 2012 12:04 PM EST

CM = Chatmail? :D

moskel [187ELiTE] February 17 2012 12:20 PM EST

Doh, with another hire Reyth will have it ;) Maybe I should have kept the clan score lower :D

Areodjarekput February 17 2012 10:59 PM EST

...and after hiring, the final total is 7,485,944.

Reyth has won. Since he has not logged in in a significant amount of time, I will try to CM him and if the CM does not send, I will send the prize to the next closest guesser (moskel).

Fishead February 17 2012 11:04 PM EST

Awesome... just plain awesome.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] February 19 2012 11:31 PM EST

exceptional, good job fella

QBOddBird February 21 2012 2:51 PM EST

Quite the accomplishment. Congratulations Areo c:
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