T85: Revenge of the Furry... err Fury (in Contests)
Taking suggestions!
Planning on starting after big XP on Saturday.
Likely to be a low bonus, low cap, low starting xp affair lasting a week
Winner gets the 5.5m Piper Rake donated to this T
March 26 2012 8:26 AM EDT
I'm in! :)
Since theres so much talk over single minion teams right now, why not make it single minion based only? i.e. Highest MPR target defeated wins?
TH3 C0113CT0R
March 26 2012 12:19 PM EDT
don't do that, everyone is just going to go ELB archer as always its so BORING!!
^ Not I says the me.
1200% Bonus (~double NCB bonus), 6400 BA cap (That's like four 1600 BA tourneys throughout the week, I think that seems reasonable/do-able) 600k starting xp (50k for stats).
Winner can be a few different things: Highest MPR reached, highest MPR defeated, most tourney players defeated (in tourney competition, in case of a tie win % determines winner), maybe some other stuff I can't think of.
March 26 2012 2:16 PM EDT
how about.. 3 minions, no tattoo's, 15K starting exp for the first minion, 100K starting CBD, 1000% bonus, for about 1 week?
do something that we won't do in normal play.
.. so normally 'unused' items will be used and bring some fun.
e.g. Fire Familiar and 4 Minions, with being required to use the FF from start up to level it up as well and in the end highest FF-Familiar wins (no change/trade/auction of FF allowed of course)
March 26 2012 2:54 PM EDT
just as stabilo says, with a small mix: about 100K starting exp, NUB bonus and then add in ONLY Whips/daggers and slings :D
How about a tournament with something like no DD no GA a regular CB bonus last for a week, unlimited BA, no rares only normals, and the normal prices are increased so that people actually have to actually climb up the ladder with weapons and armor?
March 26 2012 3:37 PM EDT
A name like that just begs for a Jiggy/UC tourney.
Bonus 500%. 160 BA to start. First to get his/her Jiggy up to 2M level wins.
No DD. No GA. No weapons allowed except for Heavy Xbow. The Jiggy/UC has to be the only damage.
A name like that just begs for a Jiggy/UC tourney.
Bonus 500%. 160 BA to start. First to get his/her Jiggy up to 2M level wins.
No DD. No GA. No weapons allowed except for Heavy Xbow. The Jiggy/UC has to be the only damage.
sounds good
wins based on tat level are a no go given past issues
March 26 2012 4:14 PM EDT
Could you explain what you mean by "past issues"?
there is a tourney that no one ever won because expired tourneys don't list items in a way that that they can be seen... besides tat size is basically an MPR tourney with the ability to retrain with less of a penalty... not that interesting
March 26 2012 4:26 PM EDT
not that interesting
Perhaps not to you, but then again it measures pure growth and prevents people from just hiring minions at the end to jump MPR.
So it actually gives a better measure of growth per battle than MPR or score.
While the tourney records may not show who "wins", it is easy to put it in a thread who won.
March 26 2012 5:06 PM EDT
what if someone lied?
March 26 2012 5:17 PM EDT
When someone reaches 2M tattoo level, they sell their tattoo to the store. For everyone to see via the xfer logs. You also have a rule that nobody can buy anything other than base tattoos or be D/Qd.
Or make it a race to 5M tattoo level and it will then show up in the top JKFs.
March 26 2012 5:20 PM EDT
I don't think this will work, Ranger. The store for tournament chars is kept separate from the store for regular chars. The tournament store is always stocked with the same items, never changing. The regular store is stocked with an arbitrary amount of items and also any items that player sell back to it. This is based on my experience participating in two tournaments. Perhaps I could be wrong.
March 26 2012 5:22 PM EDT
What would prevent a T admin from looking at the tourney store for the winning Jig once the winning character gets to the winning level and sells it to the tourney store?
is it possible to allow more than one tat / team for touneys?
-> do a 4 minion + 4 familiars tourney so that there are actually 8 chars to kill ..
that would be fun!
March 26 2012 5:56 PM EDT
Someone correct me if I am wrong but if you sell the jig to the tourney store, it would not show up in the store? The store just has a constant stock of items that never changes?
yepp, you have exactly one item of each possible item there.
you buy one, leave the store and come back, it's back in the store.
.. so in tourneys you can have all the rares you dreamin of!
1k Challenge Tournament.
Starting Experience per minion: 120,000
No Tattoos
All Spells
No Experience rewards
Only items allowed are those that current spawn, no good stuff.
1,000 BA no regen
Goal: Highest Score
A Heavy Crossbow [5x10] (+8) 109,728
A Heavy Crossbow [5x7] (+5) 63,079
A Heavy Crossbow [5x7] (+0) 52,701
A Heavy Crossbow [5x6] (+0) 44,001
A Heavy Crossbow [5x5] (+3) 38,621
A Heavy Crossbow [5x3] (+2) 19,309
A Heavy Crossbow [5x2] (+3) 12,521
We also are going to make the HX a heavy focus of the next tourney... more about it tomorrow, look for it to start soon!
currently planned for sometime after big xp, I've got a huge moving project most of today, so plan for sometime around midnight server time as a start
Just wanna say thanks for doing these more often Nov, and I will also be donating another 2m to this tourney :)
I'll toss an extra 1m to whoever over comes the challenge of beating me ;)
This should be a mess...
100000% bonus, 4800 BA cap, lasts a week.
Should give NS plenty of data to figure out the score drain bug, please track any and all instances and post them here.
From: Piper Rake Sent: March 28 7:40 PM EDT Delivered: March 28 8:04 PM EDT
Could we have a heavy x bow tourney. Big cash and exp rewards. No dd spell, only hxbow. Highest mpr in 1 week. Figure since we havent had a change in awhile, give everyone an oppurtunity to test it out for free.
Sorry... database error. Guess this new Character will have to wait.
Btw No DD spells is clear on no DD familiars, but what about other tats? Or we going tat-less for this one?
won't start for another thirty minutes... must of set time wrong...
some tats, no dd
so are these the rules?
No dd spell, only hxbow. Highest mpr in 1 week.
some tats, no dd
or is there somewhere else some post i missed?
April 1 2012 3:22 AM EDT
I'm in on this. Can I use a melee weapon?
April 1 2012 3:27 AM EDT
Cool. Thanks!
Isn't there an issue with tourney characters affecting the scores of normal characters? If so, I am kinda disappointed to see one with a huge bonus and and time frame.
April 1 2012 1:31 PM EDT
Should give NS plenty of data to figure out the score drain bug, please track any and all instances and post them here.
maybe thats why it's a high bonus and time tourney.. :P
This one wont dominate scores like the 2b cbd tourney did though. You will actually have to work your way up the ranks rather then targeting single archer teams with a ExBow with 800m nw.
Gah I'm going to screw myself over >_> I've already done two small retrains and I just thought of something awesome to do and I want to retrain again XD
Lol we should start going by Max tat size to gauge true MPR in case of retrains XD
... or someone needs to slap me and tell me to stop doing it
April 2 2012 7:10 AM EDT
*slaps xeno* stop it
Re: Gohan... This will make the same size of mess thanks to me ;) RoBF + EC + lots of money for DB is more effective than ExBow.
haha true enough moskel, you found a way to break it :P
April 2 2012 8:09 PM EDT
Hate to do this but (T85) Sam's fish bowl currently has decay trained
April 3 2012 2:10 AM EDT
Sorry, I throw on a base decay out of habbit. And I was so close to winning this tourney!
I've got a base one on just in case, but do you have to use a Heavy XBow?
^ If you're just doing it for testing purposes you can do whatever you like. The rules only apply if you are actually participating and attempting to win the tourney.
Usually people with throw a [test] tag after their name to let people know its a test character, but I doubt anyone would really mind. Unless in fact you are trying to win, in which case follow the rules :P
The rules are, well, ambiguous.
Do I need to *use* a H XBow? Does it need to be my main attack? Can I have one in my inventory? As we can use Melee Weapons, I can in essence follow the rules by using a base XBow.
Which seems rather redundant. ;)
quit being pedantic and have fun...
There is no requirement to use one, however not using one would be silly given there is no other ranged damage available.
however not using one would be silly given there is no other ranged damage available.
Don't want to split the amazing cash between two weapons mate. ;)
Once I've reached Physical damage immunity, it's ES 'x' all the way! ;)
My score on my non-tourney character dropped when I took losses to hax, a tourney character.
^ Its back to showing up as 10m again, I know I drained it down to 8m-ish as that's what the T-score shows
That's because he fought and it went back up :)
My koyaanisqatsi has been losing score and I'm pretty sure the 1m loss isn't from blighted. :)
Could it be because he's been winning battles but losing most?
Kvothe seems to only win battles.
April 4 2012 11:02 AM EDT
The score loss seems to be only aesthetic. I noticed many people getting drained. However, there doesn't seem to be an overall lowering of scores. Trying attacking once and seeing if your score doesn't jump back to where it was before.
Post some damn fightlogs! I want to see what all that NW and MPR can do!
April 5 2012 5:12 PM EDT
pretty much make us bleed for millions of health :P
Lol name a fightlog you wanna see Nov, pick one of my opponents I'm currently fighting.
well the one I want to see you don't win yet...
What can I say, I'm crippled by my inability to use DD, and I don't want to retrain to AMF just to get him cause I don't want to risk losing my lead >.>
I know who you are talking about though... he's the only one I cant get.
post the fight against AA
April 6 2012 4:57 AM EDT
so the first thing that catches my eye, is the -134 million str on hax.. xD
(T85) I call hax Anomander Rake (F) (+) (Serene Warriors of Chaos) (T85) I call hax 11 5:14 AM EDT
(T85) I call hax Anomander Rake (F) (+) (Serene Warriors of Chaos) (T85) I call hax 12 5:13 AM EDT
(T85) I call hax Anomander Rake (F) (+) (Serene Warriors of Chaos) (T85) I call hax 12 5:13 AM EDT
(T85) I call hax Anomander Rake (F) (+) (Serene Warriors of Chaos) (T85) I call hax 14 5:12 AM EDT
(T85) I call hax Anomander Rake (F) (+) (Serene Warriors of Chaos) (T85) I call hax 11 5:11 AM EDT
(T85) I call hax Anomander Rake (F) (+) (Serene Warriors of Chaos) (T85) I call hax 11 5:10 AM EDT
So, after hires EoD is going to pass me. I already have a general idea of by how much, but I felt like making this a secondary contest.. well more like a betting pool.. for guessing how much he's going to pass me by.
I will start the pool at 500k. You get one guess, price is 100k to guess which gets added to the pool, closest person wins the pot. Over or under, doesn't matter, this isn't the price is right.
Any takers? btw if only one person says yes.. sorry its not happening ;p
Btw, please send all bets to my Secretary ;)
The database rejected the transaction. Most likely this was a result of your doubleclicking. We don't want to double-charge you! Click here to return.
Net Worth: $1,965,430,478
I dun broke, I can't upgrade anything anymore ;)
April 7 2012 2:21 PM EDT
Can I make my tourney char my normal char please lol, really enjoyed this week. ;)
April 7 2012 2:42 PM EDT
41 mill strength. That's some muscle.
Holy crap, I accidentally unequipped my Tattoo, now I cant re-equip it.
April 7 2012 2:48 PM EDT
I second Johnnys suggestion just let me keep this as my main.
I really wanted to get to x100K. Would only need a few days to get there too
April 7 2012 2:48 PM EDT
can't re-equip a tattoo? Farm him!!
"The database rejected the transaction. Most likely you double-clicked on the Assign link. If this is the case, your assignments were made correctly."
I also tried a base tattoo and it worked; most likely it's the DB refusing the tattoo b/c it's so large. Not sure why it worked before; but now can't be put back on.
April 7 2012 5:22 PM EDT
Try equipping all your items and then try to put on the tattoo.
Thanks Ranger, that actually worked, I was able to get your tattoo back on Xeno. I think it limits your max NW to 2B; and putting the tattoo on puts you over that. So, I left the tattoo on and took some stuff off.
Awesome thanks guys, was busy fiddling around with my car at the time, but much appreciated.
Lol cant even D/E the stuff not equipped anymore, just get constant database errors. But its all good cause I didnt need the gear you took off and I'm winning all my fights again :)
April 7 2012 9:18 PM EDT
I just switched to ToA. I have 52M ST and my HxBow is X50K. The highest I have seen it hit for is 6.2M.
Yeah, I feel the damage is kinda lacking on it.
April 8 2012 12:02 AM EDT
Well now that its over I have but two things to say
1) An Elven Stiletto [55x90000] (+200) NW 903,253,683
2) That was FUN!!!
Now to start up the NCB...going to miss that tourney bonus
MPR: 14,894,540
Net Worth: $1,999,951,813
Haha I certainly pushed the boundaries with that character, couldn't even train without getting a DB error and having to refresh every time. Just shy of hitting my goal of over 15m mpr though :(
April 8 2012 12:12 AM EDT
Great job Xeno! That was a pretty nice run you did
[24:15] <novice> so 5m for Xeno, 500k to stabilo, and HX for the next five
[24:15] <novice> someone post that so I remember
Consider it done good sir.
Favorite tourney yet :)
What place did I end up in with the scores below...
Score 16,017,404
Power 20,708,384
MPR 13,834,941
Max Tattoo Level 50,371,394
Net Worth $1,396,538,457
April 8 2012 1:34 AM EDT
Curses! Logged back in too late to spend my last 96mil!
Congrats Xeno, nice job.
nice tourney, this sure was fun!
any prices for 2nds ? ;-)
look up a few posts... you can have 500k or an HX
April 8 2012 2:39 AM EDT
Um, according to the stats, sorry Xeno, but EOD is top MPR and score.
He hired after the tourney was over, I'm fairly certain that's not kosher and a bug that needs to be fixed.
April 8 2012 3:09 AM EDT
Ah, I see.
Great tourney, lots of fun. And some damn decent runs by people, regardless. Nice one!
ok, great! i'll take the 500k ;)
Yeah, I was out and didn't get back to a computer till about an hour after the tournament ended. It still let me hire tho and figured since I wasn't technically changing anything that couldn't be changed at any time; it wouldn't matter. However, I can understand if that doesn't count x].
thanks for being understanding, I will throw in the prize of your choice from TP since you very easily could have won... prizes to come later
Im sending the 2m i donated to this tourney to TP, give it to whomever won nov!
Xenogard (The Saiyan Prince) Eliteofdelete
(Hiding in Plain Sight) $1000000 6:35 PM EDT
For being a good sport, and for technically beating me out in the end even though it was after the Tourney was over :)
Does this look reasonable?
1st - Xeno - 5.5M
2nd - Stabilo - 500k + HxBow
3rd - Moskel - 500k or Hxbow
4th - annuminas - 500k or Hxbow
5th - Gohan - 500k or Hxbow
6th - Piper - 500k or Hxbow
7th - Nightmare - 500k or Hxbow
Special ( could have won ) - EoD - prize from TP (nov will handle this)
Everyone over 1400 battles challenged - 200k participation prize
Looks good with the exception of this:
Gohan April 8 4:20 PM EDT Im sending the 2m i donated to this tourney to TP, give it to whomever won nov!
So technically I should get 7.5m because of Gohan's donation, *shrugs* but honestly its whatever I don't really care.
ill take the hxbow, but please, send the money i sent to TP to xeno, i meant it to eventually go to the winner.
Do we post which we prefer in here? I'll take the money
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) annuminas (Bridgeburner) $500000 3:45 PM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Gohan (Gyaxx) A Heavy Crossbow ($44001) 3:45 PM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) stabilo (Archy) A Heavy Crossbow ($52701) 3:44 PM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) stabilo (Archy) $500000 3:44 PM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Xenogard (The Saiyan Prince) $7500000 3:44 PM EDT
Congrats, this is all I had time for right now, let me know who wants what and I'll finish the rest later!
Thanks.. Nov? Titan? One of you two.. or whoever decided to hop on TP to hand out prizes.
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