Defiance's Free Lottery (in Contests)

Ragatag August 23 2006 11:26 AM EDT

Well, i decided to quit CB, i have about 4 mil on my character and i want to make a raffle like thing and give it all away so here are the rules:

1) 201 tickets numbers, thats numbers 0~200
2) One ticket per person
3) Ticket is free

1st prize: 2 million CB
2nd prize: 1 million CB
3rd prize: 500k CB
4th prize 250k CB

*i realize that adds up to 3.75 mil CB, but the left over money i will send it to some random person (also will be used for xfer fees).

Game on and good luck

I finally see August 23 2006 11:27 AM EDT

I'll take number 13

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] August 23 2006 11:28 AM EDT

No. 7 please

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] August 23 2006 11:28 AM EDT

I will take 25

[MP]MoneyPig [SNB Forging Services] August 23 2006 11:28 AM EDT

Could you give me number 7 please.

[MP]MoneyPig [SNB Forging Services] August 23 2006 11:28 AM EDT

hmm already taken...

number 49 then.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] August 23 2006 11:29 AM EDT

I'll take number 4

Tezmac August 23 2006 11:30 AM EDT

88 please :O)

Misfit August 23 2006 11:40 AM EDT

I'll take 125

chappy [Soup Ream] August 23 2006 11:42 AM EDT

#17 please :P

--Nice way to leave CB ... props

[YG]Wildthing August 23 2006 11:43 AM EDT

sorry to see you go. 151for me please

SynGhost August 23 2006 11:45 AM EDT

89, please.

Green Butchers August 23 2006 11:46 AM EDT

72, Thanks.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] August 23 2006 11:48 AM EDT

I'll take number 1.

blackshadowshade August 23 2006 11:48 AM EDT

42 for me please.

Halcyon August 23 2006 11:50 AM EDT

I'll take #24 I guess.

Sorry ta see ya go.

Xenko August 23 2006 11:57 AM EDT

I'll take 22 please.

Have fun in your post-CB life.

Black Thunder August 23 2006 11:58 AM EDT

101, thx. Too bad you're leaving.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 23 2006 11:59 AM EDT

37, have fun IRL

Mem August 23 2006 12:01 PM EDT


Fare thee well.

WhereTheWindBlows August 23 2006 12:03 PM EDT

#190 and thanks!

QBJohnnywas August 23 2006 12:11 PM EDT

Best of luck! I'll take 180 thanks. :)

AdminShade August 23 2006 12:16 PM EDT

I'd take 32 if it isn't taken :)

The Death Company [...] August 23 2006 12:19 PM EDT

number 88 please

good luck irl!

IndependenZ August 23 2006 12:41 PM EDT

Number 11 for me, please :)

Lazy [Eco Master] August 23 2006 2:12 PM EDT

47 ty and gl

Bok [brimstone killers] August 23 2006 2:23 PM EDT

110 please

AdminNightStrike August 23 2006 2:27 PM EDT

42 =)

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] August 23 2006 2:32 PM EDT

Well how about 111....not coming back at all?Not even the contests or chat??

Tylan August 23 2006 2:35 PM EDT

always sad for someone to leave......i'll take 148 btw

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] August 23 2006 2:47 PM EDT


BMWheatley August 23 2006 3:23 PM EDT

16 please.... you'll be back ; )

Wrath August 23 2006 3:23 PM EDT

someone plz make a table I'll take 165.

Thrasher August 23 2006 3:26 PM EDT

you should stay!

and ill take 51 please =)

Morthak August 23 2006 3:28 PM EDT

117 please.

And just my opinion, but I think all the Angels of Death should only get one ticket together :)

RedWolf August 23 2006 3:34 PM EDT

18 please.

Zhakrin [Knights who say Ni] August 23 2006 3:51 PM EDT

181 please.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] August 23 2006 4:31 PM EDT

I will take 27 please

Bartman August 23 2006 4:43 PM EDT

157 for me. Thanks and good luck! :)

th00p August 23 2006 4:44 PM EDT

Good bye and good luck in life, I'll be number 9.

Flamey August 23 2006 4:49 PM EDT

#2 please.

have fun in RL its a scary place :)

Genie August 23 2006 4:54 PM EDT

i'll take 108

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] August 23 2006 9:03 PM EDT

200, please.

QBOddBird August 23 2006 10:09 PM EDT


Outstanding way to leave, as well. But we all know you'll come back for it, nobody permanently quits this addicition.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] August 23 2006 10:17 PM EDT

97 for me

{CB1}Lukeyman August 23 2006 10:40 PM EDT

54, thanks!

Sir Woot August 23 2006 10:45 PM EDT

good luck and 22 for me please

TrueDevil [AAA] August 23 2006 10:56 PM EDT

Number 40 please. Good luck in real life. :)

SNK3R August 23 2006 11:12 PM EDT

A table to represent the current numbers taken and those that are left:

(If you can't read it, change your theme to something better! ;)
001 - Ashilizator 002 - Flamey 003 004 - Zoglog {Of Deth} 005
006 007 - Borderliner 008 009 - th00p Beee 010
011 - IndependenZ 012 013 - AngeI of Death 014 015
016 - BMWheatley 017 - chappy 018 - RedWolf 019 - Ox 020
021 022 - Kultur 0f Death 023 024 - Valiek 025 - Sefton
026 027 - horseguy001 028 029 030
031 032 - Shade 033 034 035
036 037 - {cb1}novice 038 039 040 - TrueDevil
041 042 - blackshadowshade 043 044 045
046 047 - Lazy 048 049 - [MP]MoneyPig 050
051 - James 052 053 054 - LukeyIdolizesBast 055
056 057 058 059 060
061 - BMWheatIey 062 063 064 065
066 067 068 069 070
071 072 - Green Butchers 073 074 075
076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085
086 087 088 - Tezmac 089 - SynGhost 090
091 092 093 094 095
096 097 - {CB1}Slayer333 098 099 100
101 - Black Thunder 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 - Genie 109 110 - Clover G
111 - Slashundhack 112 113 114 115
116 117 - Morthak 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 - Misfit
126 127 128 129 130
131 132 133 134 135
136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145
146 147 148 - Tylan 149 150
151 - [YG]Wildthing 152 153 154 155
156 157 - Bartman 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 - AngeI 0f Death
166 167 168 - Mem 169 170
171 172 173 174 175
176 177 178 179 180 - Johnnywas(Angle Of Deaf)
181 - Zhakrin 182 183 184 185
186 187 188 189 190 - WhereTheWindBlows
191 192 193 194 195
196 197 198 199 200 - [Torn-Asunder]Sirus

The Death Company [...] August 23 2006 11:16 PM EDT

tezmac beat me to 88 so can i have 83 please

And good luck irl (again!)

{CB1}[umk]Fangs August 23 2006 11:18 PM EDT

sorry to see you quit CB :( Hope you change your mind in the future :D

I'll take 127 pls... thnx! :)

WindMaster August 23 2006 11:43 PM EDT

172 plz =)

Stephen August 23 2006 11:55 PM EDT

67 please, and best wishes

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] August 24 2006 12:13 AM EDT

132, please.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] August 24 2006 12:33 AM EDT

Sorry to hear you are leaving. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

And I'll take 33 please. And thank you.

ZeroHikari August 24 2006 1:04 AM EDT

0 if you please, and sayonara ;) Good luck to everyone

{cb1}dyno August 24 2006 1:27 AM EDT

5 please =)

Dudster4 August 24 2006 2:00 AM EDT

3 please
and sorry to see you go

Blondebabygirl12 August 24 2006 2:16 AM EDT

number 112 please

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] August 24 2006 2:55 AM EDT

Please put me down for #187. Sorry to see you go.

Madlib [CheaperForge] August 24 2006 3:10 AM EDT

#199 Please!

punxontheprowl August 24 2006 4:03 AM EDT

#14 Please =)

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] August 24 2006 5:50 AM EDT

That would be a #23 for me please. Sorry to see you go.

Negator August 24 2006 6:00 AM EDT

Thank you for your generosity, and best wishes!

#79, please.

velvetpickle August 24 2006 8:01 AM EDT

153 for me please :)

Ambidex August 24 2006 8:03 AM EDT

123 please!

BootyGod August 24 2006 10:44 AM EDT

198 man and thanks alot =D

SNK3R August 24 2006 12:01 PM EDT

Table updated...
000 - ZeroHikari
001 - Ashilizator 002 - Flamey 003 - {cb1}lover 004 - Zoglog {Of Deth} 005 - {cb1}dyno
006 007 - Borderliner 008 009 - th00p Beee 010
011 - IndependenZ 012 013 - AngeI of Death 014 - punxontheprowl 015
016 - BMWheatley 017 - chappy 018 - RedWolf 019 - Ox 020
021 022 - Kultur 0f Death 023 - DrAcO5676 024 - Valiek 025 - Sefton
026 027 - horseguy001 028 029 030
031 032 - Shade 033 - Vaynard 034 035
036 037 - {cb1}novice 038 039 040 - TrueDevil
041 042 - blackshadowshade 043 044 045
046 047 - Lazy 048 049 - [MP]MoneyPig 050
051 - James 052 053 054 - LukeyIdolizesBast 055
056 057 058 059 060
061 - BMWheatIey 062 063 064 065
066 067 - Stephen 068 069 070
071 072 - Green Butchers 073 074 075
076 077 078 079 - Negator 080
081 082 083 - The Death Company 084 085
086 087 088 - Tezmac 089 - SynGhost 090
091 092 093 094 095
096 097 - {CB1}Slayer333 098 099 100
101 - Black Thunder 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 - Genie 109 110 - Clover G
111 - Slashundhack 112 - Blondebabygirl12 113 114 115
116 117 - Morthak 118 119 120
121 122 123 - Ambidex 124 125 - Misfit
126 127 - {CB1}[umk]Fangs 128 129 130
131 132 - QBBast 133 134 135
136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145
146 147 148 - Tylan 149 150
151 - [YG]Wildthing 152 153 - velvetdotson-de-muerte 154 155
156 157 - Bartman 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 - AngeI 0f Death
166 167 168 - Mem 169 170
171 172 - WindMaster 173 174 175
176 177 178 179 180 - Johnnywas(Angle Of Deaf)
181 - Zhakrin 182 183 184 185
186 187 - Karmic Mishap 188 189 190 - WhereTheWindBlows
191 192 193 194 195
196 197 198 - Godwolf 199 - Madlib 200 - [Torn-Asunder]Sirus

Genie August 24 2006 12:07 PM EDT

SNK you missed me, i'm #108

SNK3R August 24 2006 12:10 PM EDT

I don't think you know how to read, Genie...look again. ;)

Wasp August 24 2006 12:17 PM EDT

Can I have ticket number 074 please. Cheers. Sorry to see you leave : (

Genie August 24 2006 12:32 PM EDT

What!? I must be tired.. or something odd is going on here. :P

Vector August 24 2006 1:08 PM EDT

Sign me up for #134, thanks!

Maelstrom August 24 2006 2:23 PM EDT

I'll take #128, please :)

SNK: red text on black background is unreadable, at least for me ;)

SNK3R August 24 2006 2:29 PM EDT

Change your theme to something better! (Like the SNK3R theme. ;)

Besides, I tried to make it so the majority of the themes looked half-decent. That just shows your theme is really icky. :P

AdminShade August 24 2006 2:35 PM EDT

Though in Blue/Grey 2 it looks horrible also, and this is one of the most used themes...

SNK3R August 24 2006 2:36 PM EDT

Does it look like I care? :P

Geez, you try to do something nice for people and all you get is lip...

See if I update the table again...

Maelstrom August 24 2006 2:37 PM EDT

I use default theme. Though it's probably just because of my bad eyes that I can't read the red...

AdminShade August 24 2006 2:38 PM EDT

I was just kidding snk... >.<

SNK3R August 24 2006 2:46 PM EDT

Yes, because I can tell exactly what tone you're using over the internet when you don't use any smilies at all...

Anyway, since I have not said my good-bye, I will now: Good luck with everything, Defiance.

BootyGod August 24 2006 6:06 PM EDT

Two things

One: Shade and SNK be nice...

Two: Defiance you might want to contact BW and ask him about him. He helped me with some and he might do the same for you (not sure though)

UncleKracker August 24 2006 7:32 PM EDT

I'll take 126

strongbad August 24 2006 7:32 PM EDT

# 69, please

Bull3t F4c3 August 24 2006 7:35 PM EDT

i hate u strongbad ....ill take 98 thanks

310baller August 24 2006 7:36 PM EDT

195 please..sorry to see you go

chuck1234 August 24 2006 7:38 PM EDT

# 29 please. Thanks!

trigun August 24 2006 7:43 PM EDT

21 please.^_^

Ragatag August 24 2006 11:06 PM EDT

thanks for the table SNK, lottery is still going on got a more numbers left

SNK3R August 24 2006 11:17 PM EDT

Table updated...(and should be readable on all themes thanks to Mr. Mael and Shade for nitpicking :P).

000 - ZeroHikari
001 - Ashilizator 002 - Flamey 003 - {cb1}lover 004 - Zoglog {Of Deth} 005 - {cb1}dyno
006 007 - Borderliner 008 009 - th00p Beee 010
011 - IndependenZ 012 013 - AngeI of Death 014 - punxontheprowl 015
016 - BMWheatley 017 - chappy 018 - RedWolf 019 - Ox 020
021 - trigun 022 - Kultur 0f Death 023 - DrAcO5676 024 - Valiek 025 - Sefton
026 027 - horseguy001 028 029 - chuck1234 030
031 032 - Shade 033 - Vaynard 034 035
036 037 - {cb1}novice 038 039 040 - TrueDevil
041 042 - blackshadowshade 043 044 045
046 047 - Lazy 048 049 - [MP]MoneyPig 050
051 - James 052 053 054 - LukeyIdolizesBast 055
056 057 058 059 060
061 - BMWheatIey 062 063 064 065
066 067 - Stephen 068 069 - strongbad 070
071 072 - Green Butchers 073 074 - Wasp 075
076 077 078 079 - Negator 080
081 082 083 - The Death Company 084 085
086 087 088 - Tezmac 089 - SynGhost 090
091 092 093 094 095
096 097 - {CB1}Slayer333 098 - Bull3t F4c3 099 100
101 - Black Thunder 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 - Genie 109 110 - Clover G
111 - Slashundhack 112 - Blondebabygirl12 113 114 115
116 117 - Morthak 118 119 120
121 122 123 - Ambidex 124 125 - Misfit
126 - UncleKracker 127 - {CB1}[umk]Fangs 128 - Maelstrom 129 130
131 132 - QBBast 133 134 - Vector 135
136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145
146 147 148 - Tylan 149 150
151 - [YG]Wildthing 152 153 - velvetdotson-de-muerte 154 155
156 157 - Bartman 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 - AngeI 0f Death
166 167 168 - Mem 169 170
171 172 - WindMaster 173 174 175
176 177 178 179 180 - Johnnywas(Angle Of Deaf)
181 - Zhakrin 182 183 184 185
186 187 - Karmic Mishap 188 189 190 - WhereTheWindBlows
191 192 193 194 195 - 310baller
196 197 198 - Godwolf 199 - Madlib 200 - [Torn-Asunder]Sirus

AdminQBVerifex August 24 2006 11:36 PM EDT


[Quoth]The Raven August 24 2006 11:37 PM EDT

I would like 63 please! :D

Swagger August 24 2006 11:42 PM EDT

Verifex told us to pick a number or die... to ensure my immortality, I'll go with 100.

Sir Woot August 24 2006 11:44 PM EDT

looks like 22 was already taken make I have the number 70 please?

[me]Davis August 24 2006 11:45 PM EDT

119 please

Ragatag August 25 2006 2:50 AM EDT

thanks everyone for playing, but i would really like all the tickets taken. its free money!!!!!

Flamey August 25 2006 5:12 AM EDT

there aren't 200 people that play this game regularly, just to let you know. you might be lucky to get 100

stoner14 August 25 2006 5:59 AM EDT

96 please

molans[Grumpy] August 25 2006 7:26 AM EDT

No 73, please.
Sad to see You go Defiance.
All best in non CB2 world.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] August 25 2006 7:38 AM EDT

164 Please

I finally see August 25 2006 8:34 AM EDT

I liked the old table!

Brakke Bres [Ow man] August 25 2006 9:07 AM EDT

77 please!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 25 2006 9:10 AM EDT

183 please.

velvetpickle August 25 2006 9:54 AM EDT

The last raffle (starting july 8th) got 103 entries.... I'll bet we can do better :)

Ragatag August 25 2006 12:32 PM EDT

yes please for god sakes its 4 million dollars of free money

Recovering BA Addict August 25 2006 2:34 PM EDT

169 please.

Miandrital August 25 2006 2:49 PM EDT

142 please :)

SNK3R August 25 2006 2:59 PM EDT

Table updated...

000 - ZeroHikari
001 - Ashilizator 002 - Flamey 003 - {cb1}lover 004 - Zoglog {Of Deth} 005 - {cb1}dyno
006 007 - Borderliner 008 009 - th00p Beee 010
011 - IndependenZ 012 013 - AngeI of Death 014 - punxontheprowl 015
016 - BMWheatley 017 - chappy 018 - RedWolf 019 - Ox 020
021 - trigun 022 - Kultur 0f Death 023 - DrAcO5676 024 - Valiek 025 - Sefton
026 027 - horseguy001 028 029 - chuck1234 030
031 032 - Shade 033 - Vaynard 034 035
036 037 - {cb1}novice 038 039 040 - TrueDevil
041 042 - blackshadowshade 043 044 045
046 047 - Lazy 048 049 - [MP]MoneyPig 050
051 - James 052 053 054 - LukeyIdolizesBast 055
056 057 058 059 060
061 - BMWheatIey 062 063 - [Quoth]The Raven 064 065
066 067 - Stephen 068 069 - strongbad 070 - Sir Woot
071 072 - Green Butchers 073 - molans[Grumpy] 074 - Wasp 075
076 077 - Henk Bres 078 079 - Negator 080
081 082 083 - The Death Company 084 085
086 087 088 - Tezmac 089 - SynGhost 090
091 092 093 094 095
096 - stoner14 097 - {CB1}Slayer333 098 - Bull3t F4c3 099 100 - Swagger
101 - Black Thunder 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 - Genie 109 110 - Clover G
111 - Slashundhack 112 - Blondebabygirl12 113 114 115
116 117 - Morthak 118 119 - Davis[Pirate and Ninja] 120
121 122 123 - Ambidex 124 125 - Misfit
126 - UncleKracker 127 - {CB1}[umk]Fangs 128 - Maelstrom 129 130
131 132 - QBBast 133 134 - Vector 135
136 137 138 139 140 - QBVerifex
141 142 - Miandrital 143 144 145
146 147 148 - Tylan 149 150
151 - [YG]Wildthing 152 153 - velvetdotson-de-muerte 154 155
156 157 - Bartman 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 - (CB1)logan666 165 - AngeI 0f Death
166 167 168 - Mem 169 - Nymandus 170
171 172 - WindMaster 173 174 175
176 177 178 179 180 - Johnnywas(Angle Of Deaf)
181 - Zhakrin 182 183 - QBGentlemanLoser 184 185
186 187 - Karmic Mishap 188 189 190 - WhereTheWindBlows
191 192 193 194 195 - 310baller
196 197 198 - Godwolf 199 - Madlib 200 - [Torn-Asunder]Sirus

DH August 25 2006 3:16 PM EDT

99 Please :)

phrog August 25 2006 5:19 PM EDT

62 please.

Ragatag August 25 2006 9:17 PM EDT

Im going to the draw the numbers in an hour or 2, so those of you who haven't gotten numbers get em

QBRanger August 25 2006 9:36 PM EDT

149 please, thanks!

deifeln August 25 2006 10:17 PM EDT

038 please

WeaponX August 25 2006 10:32 PM EDT


Ragatag August 26 2006 1:54 AM EDT

1. [YG]Wildthing
2. [MP]MoneyPig
3. {cb1}lover
4. (CB1)logan666

congrats, ill send the money to the lucky winners

Ragatag August 26 2006 1:56 AM EDT

Defiance (Personal Trust Fund) [YG]Wildthing (Not A Single Tank) $2000000 1:55 AM EDT

Ragatag August 26 2006 1:57 AM EDT

Defiance (Personal Trust Fund) [MP]MoneyPig (Tanky) $1000000 1:57 AM EDT

Ragatag August 26 2006 1:58 AM EDT

Defiance (Personal Trust Fund) {cb1}lover (Ultimate Domination) $500000 1:58 AM EDT

Ragatag August 26 2006 1:59 AM EDT

Defiance (Personal Trust Fund) (CB1)logan666 (I Win) $250000 1:59 AM EDT

Ragatag August 26 2006 2:02 AM EDT

thats it for me, congrats to the winners and good luck to everyone!

QBOddBird August 26 2006 2:08 AM EDT

You rock, Defiance!

Flamey August 26 2006 2:09 AM EDT

seconded :D

Miandrital August 26 2006 11:21 PM EDT


BootyGod August 28 2006 10:00 AM EDT

fifthed :)
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