Ok, this has gone too far... (in Off-topic)
This is just ridiculous, not even 100k MPR but yet, this NUB has almost 700k NW forged in 24 hours...
Darkwolf{jmh} ($683,673)
Give me a break. (And the rest of us real forgers, just end their forging bonus now please Jon...) I know the new NUBs already don't have the bonus, but just get rid of it for the 'old' NUBs as well, please.
You know that those statistics have no effect on gameplay, right?
February 18 2008 10:17 AM EST
It's like legal abuse. Does that make sense?
I know these NUB's make me angry the fact that they can out forge real forgers without really putting much into their characters. I've said it before, its insulting.
Theres one bit thats funny though, we will have the last laugh... their characters will be aso undevelopped that they would have wasted all chance of actually competing where they should of been. They will then need to spend all that money they made forging on an NCB.. Haha
The clock is ticking : )
February 18 2008 10:35 AM EST
"Theres one bit thats funny though, we will have the last laugh... their characters will be aso undevelopped that they would have wasted all chance of actually competing where they should of been. They will then need to spend all that money they made forging on an NCB."
Do you really think they will be here in CB land after their NUB runs out?
February 18 2008 10:37 AM EST
Apologies. How can one forget such a vital piece of information. When their NUB's run out they can get back to using their normal accounts/make another NUB.
Thanks for reminding me of that very valid point : )
On the 24 hour list, All NUBs
Forging for 24 hours
Armageddon ($1,130,774)
Nemerizt ($1,109,965)
three4thsforsaken ($963,494)
N0seBLeeD ($845,286)
Darkwolf{jmh} ($683,673)
I'd really like to know what all your plans are after your NUB runs out and you're stuck with a 100k-700k MPR char?
February 18 2008 10:48 AM EST
Is there a problem with me forging?
Last time I checked, it was legal.
Last time I checked, I'm playing the game.
And what will you be doing to 'play this game' after your NUB runs out and you're stuck with that 363k MPR char?
February 18 2008 10:56 AM EST
Why does it matter? I'm playing the game how I want to, and by the rules, you should be concerned with your own character, and stop whining about others. I'm not any sort of a multi, this is my only character, so I don't see why you're all over me.
February 18 2008 10:56 AM EST
"And what will you be doing to 'play this game' after your NUB runs out and you're stuck with that 363k MPR char?"
Is that any of your business? Everyone can do whatever they would like on here. If he wants to forge, he can forge, if he wants to fight he can fight. Can we stop the NUB hating?
Want to know why? Because NUBs who sign up today are without this bonus that your using everyday to outforge me and every other forger. You were given a chance to use an exploit when Jon got rid of said bonus, as he did not get rid of the bonus for current NUB users (you).
February 18 2008 10:58 AM EST
It's already going away anyways, is this necessary to bring up still?
We still have 1.5 months before every NUB who has this option no longer plays CB (/sarcasm, but maybe not)
February 18 2008 11:01 AM EST
I didn't exploit anything, It's not like I created my character once I saw a big forge NUB bonus. The fact that I get a good bonus has nothing to do with me exploiting the game.
Oh, and main reason i bring this up is because you already have free BA to forge with (along with the bonus), i have a 1.8 mil MPR char, and you still outforge me, thats where i get involved and it becomes my business.
February 18 2008 11:03 AM EST
Paul's just irritated that NUBs are out-forging them. It's kind of like how one would get frustrated that a NUB is kicking their butt in a fight when they've been sitting at ~1.5mil MPR for like, months.
February 18 2008 11:04 AM EST
Not my fault, and not my problem.
February 18 2008 11:05 AM EST
There are plenty of instances where "fair" is not really in play nor is it meant to be. Just live with it until their NUB expires.
I am just about to hit the fighting wall, do you see me pissing and moaning about it? It is just part of the game. At least your irk will be fixed soon.
you can just tough it out for a few more months, seriously
Personally, I've realized I've messed up my NUB character, and I'm making money simply anticipating my NCB, or perhaps to buy someone's character in the future, that's not playing the game incorrectly is it?
The only point I'm really trying to make is, Jon got rid of this bonus, so why do NUBs still have it? Since he got rid of it, he should've totally gotten rid of it (If it was truely meant to 'not' be in the game).
February 18 2008 11:10 AM EST
-.- cant everyone just wait for the current people to run out ? lol
Can the responders please only be Jon and forgers (NUB included).
That is true, if it was a very big problem, he probably would've killed it then and there.
But frankly, I think he didn't want to bother with it, it was probably and extra mile he didn't want to go programming something that would simply die in a few months
February 18 2008 11:24 AM EST
I'm waiting all right. Soon I'll be sipping cool lemonade. On top of the forging for 1 week board no doubt : )
Id be there right above Ling right now, if there werent 5 NUBs above me, =P
March 9th is the day my NUB dies, until then....
February 18 2008 11:30 AM EST
No, SP, I want to respond to this. I forged a little bit when I was a NUB. Heck, I was a NUB, what the heck did I know ? I forged 1M a day a couple of times. That seemed pretty sweet to me. Are you going to bitch at me because I'm not playing properly ? Sure, I'm stuck around 2M MPR now, but without using $USD how is a tank supposed to have a competitive weapon ? These guys are on a good thing. Maybe they're going to forge like crazy and then sell out. Then again, maybe they're going to forge like crazy and use that hopped up equipment/money to kick all our butts later.
Jon seems to have a fair idea of what he's doing. If he didn't remove their existing bonuses, maybe he figures that CB2 survived with the old NUB for so long, maybe another month won't kill anyone.
Think of it this way. NW allowance was put in so people could not have millions+ starting out anew to get to the top quickly abnormally. Same with forging, why should users starting out in lower ranks be able to outforge us at 1.5 mil MPR+ when they're only ~500k MPR?
February 18 2008 11:39 AM EST
I agree with SP, however those using the NUB now to forge did not break any rules.
It is just that the rule was a poor one to begin with. One very unfair to those that have played CB for years.
If those with the NUB cannot see how unfair it is to older people, then I cannot type anything else to make you see the error of your thinking.
To add to my above post. I don't see a 100k MPR character defeating Ranger's char...
February 18 2008 11:46 AM EST
Wow, so much complaining
Little Anthony
February 18 2008 12:13 PM EST
I wonder how much i can forge per day. :P
[Bring it]
February 18 2008 12:27 PM EST
Can't you bitch about something new?
You're hatred for NUB's is really old and dates back to even my NUB. Jon fixed the forging part, if he thought it was a major problem he would've done more, like he did with my NUB and those that started around the time I did.
In another month or so it won't even be a problem.
Seriously, worry about your own character, not everyone else's that does better than you.
February 18 2008 12:31 PM EST
Mikel, are 100k MPR characters beating characters that beat you (or even defeat you)? No, so you don't have anything to complain about, so take your gripes about this thread elsewhere which is what i asked a few posts back. Thank you.
February 18 2008 1:00 PM EST
Mikel, are 100k MPR characters beating characters that beat you (or even defeat you)? No, so you don't have anything to complain about, so take your gripes about this thread elsewhere which is what i asked a few posts back. Thank you.
I'd just like to point out that the fundamental difference between combat and forging is that in forging, you really don't compete against the other players. Yes, Yes, I know that they might take some of the business from you, but there is enough business to go around already. The fact that there are 5 people above you does not affect how much you can forge in one day, just your bragging rights to being the top forger. And if that's what's ticking you off, your bragging rights, I figure you can wait it out for the next month and then brag all you want for the rest of eternity for being the best forger.
Yes as a matter of fact there is one that was giving me a hard time that hasn't even hit 1mil mpr, YOU"s TheOne. But you don't see me running around and making threads about it. All I simply said was that it takes me 3 rounds to hit him.
I've come to the conclusion that Evasion and RoBF is here to stay, so I've "adjusted" and fixed it so that Evasion/RoBF minions aren't a problem for me anymore, and if Jon does do something about them, well I can always adjust again.
In your case, you know that NUB's will no longer be able to out forge you after a certain date has passed, but I will have no idea when/if Jon will do anything about the current evasion or the RoBF.
So if I can be patient, then so can you.
It's a game, things aren't going to be perfect, if it makes you so unhappy, maybe it's time to find a new game/hobby. I get just as frustrated at times, but I still love to play the game with all of it's challenges.
February 18 2008 1:56 PM EST
Wow Mikel,
It takes me 4 rounds now to hit YOU's character. Even with all my EC and my +'s on the bow/arrows.
I cannot wait for him to get to 1M MPR when I will miss completely.
So I can sort of see SP's point. Evasion is like the NUB forging bonus. I hope Jon sees this for what it really is, abusive, just like he did with the NUB forging bonus. That is fix it ASAP.
let's not just pick on evasion please, it is part of a bigger picture involving:
usd influence
ranged damage too high
beleg's bug
dispel magic for that matter, never has seemed fair in its implementation
mage shield?
single-minion teams getting shorted
if we are going to be about fixing imbalances, let's list em all, not just the ones that annoy us the most.
i am sure i missed some as well. unfortunately we really do not know what jon's idea for each of these items is in the big picture of game balance. i think he has stated many times that dm is working as intended, even if it seems unfair to most of us.
with that all being said though, jon did look at nub forging, he even fixed it. he chose not to take it away from existing nub's though for whatever reason. i would hazard a guess that the reason still stands though and he hasn't changed his mind.
February 18 2008 2:10 PM EST
Since we're already well off topic (and started there), I'll just say that I think DM is perfect where it is. Anything that keeps the predictable use of DEs in check, but has tremendous offsets to it (oh man I would kill to have just a little AMF...) is just about perfect, in my opinion. *smile*
February 18 2008 2:13 PM EST
/me agrees 100% with S137.
February 21 2008 2:45 PM EST
Forging for 24 hours
Nemerizt ($3,755,432)
three4thsforsaken ($3,456,302)
Armageddon ($1,490,013)
Ryuzaki ($936,490)
N0seBLeeD ($691,495)
-{Forger}-Wasp ($581,308)
Thats good stuff. Real funny.
hey, it's only for 15 more days, then that'd be the last you'll hear from us
WOW, are you serious!??!?!
"hey, it's only for 15 more days, then that'd be the last you'll hear from us "
And, yea, you two only have 15 days, but what about those who will have it till April 7th?
And btw, Nemeritz is almost to 4 mil NW forged in 24 hours...
the more NUB bonus, the less of a boost the get from this change, the fact we have 15 days left gives us the inflated bonus, besides, I really don't see that much NUB competition
February 21 2008 3:25 PM EST
Why do you care? What's the big deal? Its just a game. Get over it...
Pretty much everything summed up in a few words.
February 21 2008 3:26 PM EST
And your contribution added what?
February 21 2008 3:26 PM EST
Oh and complaining will probably not get you anywhere, so just let it go.
And letting it go gets us further down the road? Not really.
February 21 2008 3:28 PM EST
" And your contribution added what?"
Bluntly, nothing of much significance :). I hate it when people complain, especially when it comes to video games. Complaining often gets you nowhere. Its a game, let stuff go.
What do video game testers do Nic? They comment on the flaws of the game to get them fixed, what the difference between that and this exact thread? Hmm?
February 21 2008 3:31 PM EST
Agreed, it's a game. Complaining usually gets you nowhere. I think smallpaul and other forgers are a little... infuriated. Try and see it from other forgers point of view.
You do a job, you do it well, you get paid. You work as hard as you damn can to maximise profits. Someone comes a long with "little experience" and suddenly does what you can do, multiplied by 7. In all fairness, and fairness being the key word. It's not right.
I'm not complaining about them personally, hell they are just working the system, I'm just angry that it was allowed to happen.
It may just be a silly little game, but its human nature to get annoyed by silly little things like that.
February 21 2008 3:34 PM EST
"What do video game testers do Nic? They comment on the flaws of the game to get them fixed, what the difference between that and this exact thread? Hmm?"
Obviously, yea. They test games. They point out flaws and glitches, yea. But I still don't get why exactly it is you care.
And the irony of it all... I'm complaining about your complaining... I should stop before I start hating myself. Ta
February 21 2008 3:42 PM EST
Forging for 1 week
{cb1}smallpau1 ($3,043,209)
{cb1}Linguala ($2,856,821)
-{Forger}-Wasp ($2,843,249)
[CB1]Gun ($2,486,520)
Gandalf ($2,206,410)
Just thought I'd add this in for comparison. These are the top 5 forgers without the bonus.
Might i add, 1 week, not 24 hours, and still is 1 mil less in comparison to the NUBs in the 24 hour list.
February 21 2008 3:46 PM EST
I'll wait till next week to add the forging for 1 week list. Then tell me everything is fair.
In 15 days total NW forged:
NUBs (Estimate): $60,000,000
Vets (Estimate): $9,000,000
I see fairness in that completely. Oh, and i did worry about MY OWN character, why do you think it's at 1.8 mil MPR. I think you need to worry about your characters, which are less than 700k MPR.
February 21 2008 4:17 PM EST
For 24 hours:
three4thsforsaken ($3,747,708)
Nemerizt ($3,695,197)
N0seBLeeD ($2,025,767)
Armageddon ($1,321,383)
Ryuzaki ($936,490)
-{Forger}-Wasp ($608,834)
{cb1}smallpau1 ($549,769)
[CB1]Gun ($531,751)
February 21 2008 4:21 PM EST
thats messed up.....
February 21 2008 4:27 PM EST
Oh for cryin out loud! Just let it go! Okay they forge a lot more then vets. Good for them. Just let this thread die already.
February 21 2008 4:31 PM EST
Well considering forgers make about a 55% profit on their forging lets calculate things:
55% x three4thsforsaken ($3,747,708) = 2.06M cb2 profit PER DAY!
For the next 2 weeks or so he has the NUB bonus that is about 30M CB2 profit.
Man, what a great deal.
For someone like Nosebleed and his over 1 month left, that will be over 30M profit during that time as well. Not too shabby.
February 21 2008 4:34 PM EST
Such egregious production power will drive up suppy and reduce forge rates for the rest of the forgers. My sympathies for smallpual, wasp and any other none bonus forgers. It may be a temporary shock, but it'll impact the market for months to come.
February 21 2008 4:58 PM EST
Lower my prices hah. I stick to my guns, if I get no work good. I'll forge my own stuff for free!! I'm sure Jon is currently thinking up a new plan to maybe reduce the amount of USD involved in the game, or even the amount of multis selling out for cash. Hmm. Good change. Great change. I think this is actually comical now.
I believe this hyper forge is due to adjustment to the NUB/NCB bonus. NUBs with 2 week left are getting something like 1387% bonus, and I think 3/4 is about 2 weeks off NUB (like me) and is just being compensated by the NUB change.
February 21 2008 8:13 PM EST
-{Forger}-Wasp, 4:58 PM EST [collapse]
Lower my prices hah. I stick to my guns, if I get no work good. I'll forge my own stuff for free!! I'm sure Jon is currently thinking up a new plan to maybe reduce the amount of USD involved in the game, or even the amount of multis selling out for cash. Hmm. Good change. Great change. I think this is actually comical now.
Yessir! If someone wants to try and short me of at least a 67% rate, pass... You know what I've just thought about lately... Maybe Jon hasn't implemented Economic Clan forging bonuses because of the way NUBs are so rigged... Maybe he'll give it some thought now that we'll be on an even keel!!!!
February 21 2008 8:33 PM EST
Yes Painkiller, we all know that. We all can accept the fact the N*B was too low to do what Jon stated it should. We all also believe that the boost is a good thing, for the most part.
However, the insane rates at which NUB forgers can forge is just plain comical. For the next 6 weeks the normal, old guard forgers, will have to play catchup.
Especially if they like seeing their names on the top forgers list.
After 6 weeks pass, I hope this issue will be buried. Until then, just know I also believe this is a poor byproduct of fixing the N*B to where is should give. Given its very, very short time frame compared to the game itself.
February 21 2008 8:38 PM EST
30mil.... thats more than i ever had in my entire cb career
February 21 2008 8:40 PM EST
did we ever have NUB? when we started, i forget? we had lower exp and cash right? Back in the old days?
February 21 2008 9:57 PM EST
The NUB started in the first week of March 2005. At least that is what I remember Jon posting a couple times. However, back then it was so small, and I am not even sure if we saw the % at that time.
The first noticeable NUB was Ilovehellokitty.
At least according to my memory.
February 21 2008 10:49 PM EST
Nemerizt ($4,537,077)
-_- I'm sorry... That's a bit... Much...
February 21 2008 10:50 PM EST
Just an effect of the bonus correction.
Remember, fighting is more important than forging in the creator's eyes, so sacrifices can and will be made by the forgers, like it or not...
But hey, in a month all the normal forgers will be back on top where they belong, and there'll never be another aberration like this again! right?
Stephen Young
February 21 2008 11:42 PM EST
Who knew the title of this thread would predicate its' contents so prophetically.
Stephen Young
February 21 2008 11:45 PM EST
I need to learn to type a question mark when required. :(
February 22 2008 2:46 AM EST
"QBRanger, Feb 21 [collapse]
The NUB started in the first week of March 2005."
According to the first ever changelog in CB2:
AdminJonathan, Jan 1 2005
- added "newbie bonus" to give new players a chance at catching vets (first day of effect: Jan 9)
But you're right, the first time I realized there was a NUB was kitty.
Standing corrected on my earlier post, (my numbers were a bit low, pfft):
In 15 days:
NUBs: $102,394,995
Vets (Non NUB bonus): $9,000,000
So yea, thanks for messing up EVERYONE elses forging for the next whole year before your NUB expires in 15 days. And yes, NUBs who have this bonus a bit longer will be lower in numbers, but not much lower. True, no hate towards you as you're just using the system, but the system was broken, it was fixed, but not fixed enough.
huh? I don't see how I'm messing up everyone else's forging for a whole year, quite frankly, the demand of forgers will never go away.
But I do see how we're making an broken amount of money, I guess that's a bit unfair...
haha, the funny thing was I was so bummed out when I lost the chat challenge... I guess you win some and you lose some eh?
Forging for 1 year
Happy Pirate ($106,736,445)
Whopper HIYW ($103,631,607)
TuffBunny101 ($101,313,504)
Proteus ($84,694,997)
Sir Leon ($72,659,143)
Thats why, that top number there looks very similar to the estimate i just spat out that you will have by the end of your NUB.
And that doesnt even include how much NW you've already forged (for the year count).
but how does that mess you up?
My money isn't hurting the above is it? Unless of course the sole reason you play is to reach the top forger's list
February 22 2008 4:49 AM EST
You mean, is the reason he plays this game to be the best?
Uhh.... Yeah? Duh?
As soon as their NUB expires the "problem" is fixed, posting these complaints aren't going to make it go away any faster IMO. Have some patience and there will be no more NUB to forging soon enough.
Forging for 24 hours
three4thsforsaken ($7,054,336)
Nemerizt ($6,936,253)
Armageddon ($3,727,549)
Ryuzaki ($3,452,957)
N0seBLeeD ($2,897,779)
February 22 2008 7:07 AM EST
Their forging bonus should be terminated as of now. Not 15 days. Thats 15 more days of this abuse. The NUB wasn't designed to be a money generating tool. It's used to get them to keep up with the vets. Forging isn't keeping up with the vets.
I want this forging bonus too. I should be granted access to this forging ability. I am under the same class as the NUB's forging. Why can't I get this bonus? We are both not trying to reach the high ranks. This is unfair and exploitative.
Jon. Give all forgers this bonus as thats only fair. Why should they benefit at all from it. End this stupidity or grant other forgers it. This is beyond a joke now.
February 22 2008 7:22 AM EST
just wait 15 days....god i mean really you think jons going too listin too you wine like this?
February 22 2008 8:14 AM EST
I no Jon isn't going to care. The fact remains that this is a joke, whether you see it or not. Im sure if something was really grating on your nerves you'd have your say. Like I said before, see it from a forgers point of view before you add your little opinions. Someone forging what forgers add in a year, in 2 weeks... and you think thats acceptable. Hahaha
Shhhh... *comforting 'pat pat' on the head*
Just gotta make some lemonade from these lemons Jon gave you, okay?
Jon gave us lemons? Where, i dont see them, all i see is the lemons he let the NUBs keep but to add onto it, Jon made them lemonade, scrambled eggs and french toast with some boysenberry syrup sprinkled with powdered sugar.
"But you're right, the first time I realized there was a NUB was kitty."
Kitty: A member of Carnage Blender since August 17, 2005.
Mikel: A member of Carnage Blender since May 29, 2005.
And 3/4s, the hell do you think i made this thread for in the first place? Not just because you have a bonus that was deleted from newercomers bonuses. But because you were at the top of the forge list every 24 hours, when you really didn't deserve to be there.
February 22 2008 10:23 AM EST
actually it isnt about being at the top of the list... its just the fact that nobody should be able to forge that much in a day :)
actually, I intend to be on the top of the forgers list for a while, even post NUB. Why did you think I bought The Ringmaster?
I realize the game is all about money, and if i ever want to get to 6 BA, I'm going to need some nice nice equips....
well, i must say, it's pretty easy to buy a high MPR character when you now get 5 mil profit in 24 hours, =X
I would've felt a little better if i had seen your character grow to 1.8 mil MPR and then forge. Then i wouldn't have anything to complain about.
I would like to change that last post to instead of "complain", that it would read, "bring to light."
But i understand you got the char in what ways you were able to. Not much i can do but bring it to light so maybe Jon sees what's wrong with the current setup (or lack there of) and "fix" it.
Well, sorry things had to work out how they did. To tell you the truth, I started forging because I realized I messed up my NUB character, at least to a level that I can't compete with the big boys.
That's why I started forging, because I don't want to use USD in this game... I guess it just worked out funny.
I didn't realize you play to reach the top forgers list, so yeah, I can imagine how pissed you are. But you've been playing since CB1, something like this was bound to happen sometime in CB2, just looking at the constant buffs of N*B, and how it's so hard to keep and maintain 6 BA.
N*B is changing this game into one 4 month run after the next
February 22 2008 11:27 AM EST
14 days, 5 mil profit per day....
That makes 70 mil profit....
5 USD per mil (at least)....
Brings the grand total to 350 USD.....
Need I say more?
February 22 2008 11:54 AM EST
-Twitch -twitch-... -Slams face into the monitor- Dude SP, take a chill pill. As of now, you bitch and moan more then my brother and that's just absolutely pathetic. Hopefully you don't take the next step and start crying over this. 'Cause when that happens, you've hit an all time low to which there's no turning back. But then I'll be able to use the new abbreviation for cb1 as far as SP goes so far... ;D
And let this damn thread just die!!! Its become nothing but a bitch fest and that's all. And its starting to make me hate myself more just by posting here. So for the sake of sanity, and potential aneurysms, lets just let it be. And lets just leave it at this... Its not cool that Vets who work just as hard or harder don't get as far as NUBs get, but that's just how it is. Let it go.
February 22 2008 11:59 AM EST
I usually let things go. I was completely fine with a mil, even two... But it's a tad bit excessive....
If you see something different, get your eyes fixed...
February 22 2008 12:00 PM EST
February 22 2008 12:00 PM EST
I guess your the type of person, Crazynic, who would let stuff like Spygate die. I for one want to know if the Pats actually did tape the Rams walkthrough.
However, others like myself wish to know the truth and make the game fairer for all.
This forging problem is very comical and very unbalanced. So as long as it stays this way, threads like this will occur.
Possibly a moanfest, but also a place to vent frustration.
If you do not agree, then do not post. But let others have their say, and stop trying to censor them.
February 22 2008 12:09 PM EST
well i just wanted to be number 100.
and i wanted to say... the beautiful thing about threads is...
if you cant stand whining, you don't even have to turn down your speakers, DON'T CLICK THE THREAD.
it's really just that simple.
or if you're hatch and the bright red offends you, click it and run out again! ;p
February 22 2008 12:14 PM EST
Ranger: Want to know the truth and make the game fairer? This thread isn't accomplishing that...everyone knows what the NUB forgers can do, and everyone knows they won't be able to in 15 days. This thread is, as Nic said, a bitchfest.
Really, forgers, you have a lot of reason to fuss - you've basically lost your market for 2 weeks. However, you can't blame the NUB forgers: they're just making do with what Jon hath given! Like you wouldn't do it either!
Instead of flinging accusations and insults back and forth at one another, address the real villain here: Jonathan! *cackles*
February 22 2008 12:44 PM EST
just roll them back. It's not like forging like this hasn't been rolled back before.
February 22 2008 1:08 PM EST
YOU - punish them and make them lose their BA because of something they didn't cause? Harsh. Try thinking it out a little.
February 22 2008 1:10 PM EST
I think a rollback would be a horrible idea. As has been said, these NUB forgers aren't taking advantage of some hiden bug they are utilizing something that was OPENLY AND INTENTIONALLY left open to them. Good idea or not to roll them back now could be construed as , "if I complain long and loud enogh I'll get my way. So they made a lot of money. They'd have had to spend a lot of said money (now im not sure) to get a NCB even close to the bottom of the top. Not to mention trying to purchase supporter items from the past (TSA, AoF for example) at high prices. Add it all up and it's irritating but not the end of the world. Having said that (as a ranter myself) I respect everyones right 2 rant!
February 22 2008 1:11 PM EST
The right solution would be to have kept the forging bonus at the previous elevated NUB level. Let the new boost only apply to fighting xp and $ made.
The forging bonus for NUB's was bad to begin with. Raising it further was a bad idea upon a bad idea.
HOW MANY TIMES do i have to point out my reasoning for making this thread? It needs to be fixed, hence my VERY FIRST post, anyone read it?
100k MPR character OUTFORGING everyone. THats what?!?!?!? 1 day of fighting, then switching over to forging and outforging all us non-NUB bonus forgers. REAL FAIR. ITS BROKEN, FIX it. This thread is just like ANY OTHER BITCH THREAD! DOnt like it DONT READ IT, SIMPLE! DO read it? Try and get it fixed with another comment on how its broken, dont try and tell me its not broken, because everyone can see that it is.
Oh, and by the way, i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing these NUB forgers making multiple posts a day, probably getting multiple jobs done in one day. Shoot, i wish i could get 2 points added onto this MSK in 1 day...
February 22 2008 1:54 PM EST
Guys, if you're thinking about making a thread that involves "bitching" (I hate that word), as opposed to getting opinions and problems out in the air while discussing reasonable solutions, don't make the thread because a few people who open the thread think that CB should be like Russia or Cuba.
February 22 2008 1:55 PM EST
Don't take me seriously (seriously).
It wasn't meant to be a bitching thread, people just assume as much instead of actually taking the time to look into it. How do most changes come about anyways? People bringing them up in threads telling everybody what they know seems wrong in the game. Well, THIS IS a very BIG problem. So, how's it bitching? I better not see any of you make another thread complaining about evasion, because it will only be bitching in my eyes, and i will let you know, as you did for me here, k, thanks.
February 22 2008 2:03 PM EST
Wow... went right over your head...
Anyways, the whole point of me getting involved in this crap was to point out my opinion:
Something should be done.
If not, I'll deal with it (I'll have to). However, it just doesn't seem like everything is on an even playing field here, and I like to think that's what CB stands for.
My two cents.
February 22 2008 2:29 PM EST
three4thsforsaken, when your bonus ends you will step into the real world of forging. You will get 600k a day on a good day forged into an item. You will not see 7 million in 1 day. Ever. You will then see how little your actually putting in. Then you'll think back and just for a moment you will say to your self... "Hmm maybe forging was broken and small and Wasp did make some good points last week".
CrazyNic, why don't you add some intelligent information? At the end of the day you bitching about small's "bitching" is bitching itself. I don't like that word. I'm not gonna use it again. Me and Smallpau1 aren't trying to provoke fights, or arguments or any of that sort. We are trying to put forward our hatred for such a massive flaw in the game. Nothing has ever been so out of balance before... ever? The only people who are set back in all of this are... non NUB forgers. Nobody else. NUB forgers are generating lots of USD, other players are getting their gear forged at the same rate they usually pay, but 10 times faster. Heck, they ain't got a problem with that!
It's dissapointing to see that our argument is falling on mostly deaf ears whose only addition to this scenario is "Stop whining now and get over it". We will now have to wait a considerable length of time to see our true stats in the forging tables.
A good few months back if anyone was to of seen 7 million forging in 1 day the only answer would be "Someones cheating or abusing a bug". Not at any one time would they even think, "Someones working hard, good on them!!"
Funny that.
I never said it wasn't broken, and yeah I do realize I'll be lucky to get 500k NW a day in real forging.
I realize that post NUB world is a harsh one, that's why I'm so eager to burn every single BA that I can, if I intend to compete with the USD spenders.
February 22 2008 2:43 PM EST
Wasp - a few months ago, Jon hadn't adjusted the N*B in this manner.
It's already been fixed, you just have to wait it out. Funny, I've been waiting to start a NCB myself for quite sometime because it was broken, and I haven't been bitching, just waiting.
As for your 'considerable length of time' - 2 weeks isn't going to kill you guys. Really. I've been there, I'm a former forger, so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.
I mean look at yourselves. Are you going to act like children for 2 more weeks?
February 22 2008 2:49 PM EST
Yes. : ).
Wasp and small: I'll pay you guys to forge for me for a couple of weeks, if you're really interested. Starting Sunday, maybe? I can understand how everyone wants to hire 3/4 and Nez and Arma because they can get in, in one day, what it takes you more than a week to add. I can understand how that hurts you. I'm going to be going through a strat change that will temporarily leave me with a large SoD that I won't be using for at least 2 weeks, and that I'll want larger by that time.
What I'm saying is: it's very convenient for everyone to get 20mil added to our gear in 3 days, but there are people who can afford to wait the regular amount of time. 3/4 is going to forge for me for a day, but after that, I doubt he'll have time to do much more, given how much demand there is for his services. He has the speed advantage, but you currently have the availability advantage. Use that, if you need customers. Say "Hey, I have 160 BA right now, and I can take a job right away." Right now, it's looking to me like the NUB forger with more than 1000% NUB are taking 10+ person waiting lists, which adds up to a day or two (or three) wait for the customer, despite their ridiculous speed.
As for the 7 mil/day issue, think of it this way:
Both the NUB and the NCB were recalculated based on time left to yield the same results as a full run at the new bonus level would. Theoretically, these forgers should have been making more money all throughout their NUB, not to mention the fact that they should have been able to reach their current MPR twice as fast, so they could have started forging earlier.
What I'm saying is that these forgers should have had, as determined by Jon, a bonus somewhere around 427%, which would have given them the ability to forge 2.4 or 2.5 mil per day for a 3 month period, rather than the ~1.3 mil per day that 3/4 claims for whatever time he's been forging (2 1/2 months? 2?). In the short term, this has a very large impact on the economy, their earnings, their competitors, and people's item NWs... but in the long term, they theoretically should have been adding twice as much to weapons and armor for the last 2 to 3 months as they had been previously. This allows to make up that gap.
Also, there is an end in sight for this problem. A lot of the threads about Evasion/RoBF etc. keep coming up because it doesn't look like Jon is fixing it. With this issue, the bonus will simply expire in 2-4 weeks. The NUBs who started closer to Dec 9 will still be around until April 6th or 7th or so, but they also have gotten their bonuses recalibrated considerably less. And after the first week of April, it'll all be over.
Furthermore: If you truly have no forging customers, and have no real interest in forging my SoD, you guys could try starting a new NCB with a 427% bonus. You could make a large-MPR character faster, which will increase your future forging abilities. Correct?
February 22 2008 4:35 PM EST
Hey Colonel, I enjoyed reading your post. You set aside some good points. I would take you up on that job but I'm already forging YOU's SoD indefinately. I wasn't complaining at the lack of customers I was just saying how it was unfair on normal forgers. I would start an NCB but Uni commitments at the moment. However, after uni I'll probably make a run for the top 10 : ).
February 22 2008 6:32 PM EST
I think a few people aren't getting the real point of the original post. Lets go back to it.
"Subject: Ok, this has gone too far...
This is just ridiculous, not even 100k MPR but yet, this NUB has almost 700k NW forged in 24 hours...
Darkwolf{jmh} ($683,673)
Give me a break. (And the rest of us real forgers, just end their forging bonus now please Jon...) I know the new NUBs already don't have the bonus, but just get rid of it for the 'old' NUBs as well, please. "
Ok. Just like my post about YOU's char beating me at 700k mpr when I was at 1.7 mil mpr. I can understand where they are coming from. Also, Jon has already said that the NUB bonus wasn't meant for forging, and to have the NUB re-calculated and give these forgers the ability to forge 8 mil per day is a bit overboard. Anyone that says this is complaining and non needed .. well you have every right to think that, but this is very wrong and has been fixed, but this new update to the NUB % has made the soon to be fixed problem completely rediculous.
People play this game for many different reasons. Some to get to the 6/20 ba range. Some to make as much as possible and sell out and buy something for themselves. Others enjoy forging and want to top the list of the forgers. If you think that a person should be able to forge for 15 days and lead the 1 year forging list.. and the long time forger who has been slaving away forging for 9 months to a year now has to wait another year to see acurate numbers .. that seems wrong. Well it seems wrong to most people I mean.
I personally think that since Jon said this wasn't what he intended and made it so it wouldn't happen anymore .. that maybe the inflated nub % shouldn't apply to forging.. even for the next 15 days or however long it is... Now this isn't up to me, but seems that would be the right thing to do.
Also I really doubt jon wanted an influx of over ... hmm.. 100 mil nw added from about 3 people. that's 300 mil nw added to the game in less than 1/2 a month. Seems like a huge amount and might not be good for the balance of the game, but oh well. I just had to respond after reading all these comments. If you don't agree with me, that's ok, but you can't tell me to stop posting my oppinions and comments, because that would be wrong in and of itself, and not the way CB is played.
Not to bring any harm, but:
[LittleRed]Calynne ($1,262,695)
NUB until April 02. Now, that's more than 1 month away (not just 2 weeks. Its not 7 mil NW but its still twice as much as I or any other non-NUB forger can do.
Honey, I only forged my own MsK ... thank you. =)
I understand, but I'm just trying to point it out, that it will still be with us in a month. =|
And I realized that it cost me more to forge it myself since I only added 1mil increase to my MsK with over 200 BA spent, BA that could have earned me at least a mil CB$ to pay the blacksmith to do it for me... plus the EXP I could've added to Robynne in the meantime.
Maybe I have a skewed view of this, but in any case I didn't think it was worth what I was giving up.
February 22 2008 9:05 PM EST
Do you earn 5000 per fight? :/. 1mil forged in 200 ba is... a lot...
No... but then again math aint my big subject. =P
Either way, I dun care for it. Rather be fighting. ^_^
February 22 2008 9:24 PM EST
with his 1.5k % bonus i would be earning between 6k-15k per battle lol
February 22 2008 10:13 PM EST
smallpau1 she ([LittleRed]Calynne) just called you honey back there
was this worth 125 thread replies ? you tell me
admin give me a fine for unjustify response for whats it's worth.
there is a 0% i will ever look at this $%?&#@ thread again :)
Wow, nice contribution... Glad i helped you in chat the other day, maybe next time i'll think twice.
This thread is the clearest indication yet that reducing the number of available BA is a bad idea.
Not that the reduced purchasable BA was the bad idea, but Jon not deleting the WHOLE of NUB forging bonus.
You've got 30ish posts here. You are in dire need of more BA.
February 22 2008 11:05 PM EST
Another 1000 BA would not stop all the posts in this thread.
In fact, infinity more BA would likely have no effect as well.
infinite BA means that the forum (and chat for that matter) cease to function. It will be a bunch of people over the world just clicking mindlessly without a community.
February 22 2008 11:53 PM EST
I believe people would give up MPR progress for a chance to whine.
February 23 2008 12:05 AM EST
Superdog. I think you will get your wish. You probably will be fined, but not because you asked for one or because of the first part of your post. The reason for it will be because cursing is not allowed in the game no matter if it is just with the symbols you used.
February 23 2008 12:52 AM EST
I didn't know there was a slanging match going on in CB.
If people are willing to shell out CBD to be able to swear then I'll give people a better option: Donate it to me...
Just to chime in, I will admit that the new bonus is too much. But not so sure at the previous bonus, because what is the purpose of the NUB?
It gives someone 4 months to do what others have done in 2 years anyway they want to whether it be fighting or forging.
Go ahead and flame away.
Yes, but Mikel, they should NOT be able to forge past a non-NUB forger at only 100k MPR. If they fight till 1.8 mil MPR THEN forge, hey, THIS THREAD might not have even come about, but hey, who am I kidding, this PROBLEM WILL NEVER GET FIXED (At least for another month...).
attn: didn't read all the other threads...
but here is my suggestion.... if it matter
(im tired)
anyway... have the community ban up against giving the forgers jobs....
<.< dunno what that'd accomplish other than not makin them stinkin rich... they would just have some awesome items...but it could happen
Mikel made an interesting point. Just as a new player cannot take over the top MPR spot without a forging bonus, so too he cannot take over the top forging spot without a bonus. Once this NUB spool of forgers is out, will any new player be able to climb the ranks of forging?
I agree with only the subject of this threads...
"Ok, this has gone too far..." do we need a 137 replies to a thread that is essentially a rant?
NightStrike, 5:45 AM EST [collapse]
Mikel made an interesting point. Just as a new player cannot take over the top MPR spot without a forging bonus, so too he cannot take over the top forging spot without a bonus. Once this NUB spool of forgers is out, will any new player be able to climb the ranks of forging?
Umm, yes, they would, if they actually fight to get to a high MPR, like ive said a dozen times in this thread already. But like i said, nobody cares to read through to see all the points ive made, they'd rather bash me.
PainKiller, 6:00 AM EST [collapse]
I agree with only the subject of this threads...
"Ok, this has gone too far..." do we need a 137 replies to a thread that is essentially a rant?
137 replies, and not one thing has been done, soo...
February 23 2008 10:08 AM EST
I am so sorry I hadn't seen this thread sooner.
I hated the NUB forging bonus to begin with. Go check my previous posts, if you care so much to find out.
Now that the "N*B bonuses adjustment" has happened (or is happening), the rates for which current NUB forgers are forging is absolutely ridiculous. There is no other way to describe it.
I was sick of fighting, so I bought a forging character. I started to forge for a few months. I quit forging. I now do not use any of my BA because of this. Want to know why? Because I was sick and tired of having all of the NUB forgers out-forge me when I had a really nice MPR, in comparison, and they out-did my profits easily four-fold.
The NUB forging bonus, to begin with, was wrong. The NUB forging bonus fix that "will end the NUB forging bonus" in 4 months was even more wrong. The "N*B bonus adjustment" was ridiculously wrong. After realizing the NUB forging bonus was wrong, the bonus should have abruptly ended. It wasn't, and now it has escalated ridiculously.
Should it be fixed? Most definitely. Will it? Who knows...
February 23 2008 11:39 AM EST
Here's the thing, Brent: It has been fixed. NUBs, aside from a rare few, don't get much of a forging bonus. The complaints are because a couple are receiving the boost given to all NUBs who are near the end of their bonus and it boosts their rewards (fighting -and- forging, but you don't see many fighters saying "omgawd, they're totally getting lots of XP and it is so unfair and Jon change something nowwww."
So basically, in 2 months, you'll see NUB forgers doing far less than they ever did before. Likely vets will be keeping pace, even if they don't get to top the list (again, NUB fighters get more rewards too, ya know) and maybe things will be more settled.
But I doubt it. I expect that, when this thread dies, another will be created to whinge in because people just can't get enough whining. They LOVE it.
If you think NUB forging right now is ridiculous, you should see the attitudes of the vet forgers. Now -that- is ridiculous.
February 23 2008 11:55 AM EST
Just to clarify my point a little bit and back it up:
So if you still can't stop whining, that's a personal problem. You don't need a thread for us to know you're mental.
February 23 2008 12:00 PM EST
It HAS NOT been fixed.
Fixed would mean that NUB forgers do NOT have a bonus, which is causing all of this uproar. They still have a bonus (even if there are x players with it).
Just because it will "go away in 4 months" does NOT mean it's fixed.
If you can't see that, then YOU'RE mental. (Start the name-calling, you'll get it right back.)
It's not a personal problem -- it's an issue that needs to be taken care of, which was not done, and won't be done for another whatever 1 month or however long it takes to get rid of this damn bonus.
February 23 2008 12:03 PM EST
OK, great, so let's give a select few 4738912471% NCB bonus and surpass your MPR in 15 days.
I'm not so sure you'd like that, right?
February 23 2008 12:04 PM EST
Oh, right, and include the past 4 months where the NCB character also got 4x your MPR gain, no matter what you did.
February 23 2008 12:08 PM EST
I already know I'm mental ;'D
When I had a NUB once upon a time, towards the end of it things were adjusted and it went from 100% to 0%, and before its due time.
I think this is Jon being a little more sensitive towards the NUBs and not cutting them off outright, but letting the old ones finish out and the new ones commence with the new bonus.
Personally, I don't see that as a bad thing per se. Way I see it, there's only a few weeks left where vet forgers aren't top of the list every day. I don't see why there's got to be so much uproar over trying to get it done a little bit sooner. I mean c'mon, you'll be at the top of the list again in a month for GOOD.
February 23 2008 12:09 PM EST
Good man Brent. Finally someone who can see the sense in all of this.
February 23 2008 12:10 PM EST
Like all of the rest of us who support you Wasp?
February 23 2008 12:12 PM EST
>> Way I see it, there's only a few weeks left where vet forgers aren't top of the list every day.
Yeah, after having been screwed over for the past x months where NUB forgers DID have a bonus. Ab fab. Way to screw 'em over for however many weeks more or whatever the time left is just because he can't cut them off immediately, or hasn't done so yet.
I'm sure they could care less about being at the top of the list. When the NUB forging bonus is finished with, then I'm sure they'll all eat each other away.
The fact is they are getting screwed over profit-wise and job-wise when they've been in the market for a lot longer than the new users have, and the new users have x weeks of this ridiculously enormous bonus.
For crying out loud, just get rid of the damn forging bonus for NUB users immediately and all of this will go to the bottom of the active threads.
February 23 2008 12:15 PM EST
When all the NUB forgers are done with their NUB, 90% or more will have left CB2 since they will have nothing more then cb2 available for a quick sale.
I have seen it before, and will see it again soon.
The problem will resolve on its own with time, but that does not in any way make it right for now.
QBootyDance, 12:08 PM EST [collapse]
I already know I'm mental ;'D
When I had a NUB once upon a time, towards the end of it things were adjusted and it went from 100% to 0%, and before its due time.
I think this is Jon being a little more sensitive towards the NUBs and not cutting them off outright, but letting the old ones finish out and the new ones commence with the new bonus.
Personally, I don't see that as a bad thing per se. Way I see it, there's only a few weeks left where vet forgers aren't top of the list every day. I don't see why there's got to be so much uproar over trying to get it done a little bit sooner. I mean c'mon, you'll be at the top of the list again in a month for GOOD.
Theres only a few weeks left, of course, BUT in those few weeks some if not all will surpass everyone in the top forgers of the YEAR (In 15 days none-the-less, yippee, i dont see a NUB getting to the top MPR in 15 days, you?), which will screw it up for all us forgers for the next 6 or so months. But nice try...
February 23 2008 3:13 PM EST
Yes, Wasp, please get Ranger a cookie. He has been supporting you too.
February 23 2008 3:21 PM EST
Heh, his support, and anyone else's is greatly appreciated from both me and small. : ) Still I can't see Jon doing anything :P
AdminG Beee
February 23 2008 3:26 PM EST
This kinda covers everything. I'm sure Jon has seen this thread and will take appropriate action.
Definition of appropriate will be his of course and may not necessarily be the same as either one of the many sides of the argument on this very repetitive thread.
Meanwhile, this made me smile :)
If I had chosen to fight instead of forge for the past month, I probably could have reached 6 BA or pretty close with the free BA and the gigantic bonus.
I understand how this affects you and the other forgers, but it doesn't seem to have a huge effect on the game as a whole. There are roughly 5 NUB bonus forgers and 8ish serious non NUB forgers today. Maybe of the non NUB forgers I believe are simply forging for themselves.
Yes this is a problem, but not to everyone. CB will not die because of this, in fact I believe after the 15 days, me, Nem, and Ryuzaki will probably go into a small corner and forge our own equips for a long time, and everyone will forget this ever happened way back when.
But yes, I agree, this is an exploit, and is not fair. But in the end, it doesn't really affect most people. Some here get 7million NW on their job in 1/6th the time, I get a bunch of money, which will inevitably find it's way back to Jon, through forging expenses and buying BA for that NCB I intend to make in 5 months.
You know at first, I saw this bonus as too good to be true, would only last for one or two days, but the more I think about it. It's nice I know, but it isn't game changing. What would Jon do? He might change it, not because it has to be done, but rather because of the wining. And somehow, he doesn't take me for that kind of guy. (RoBF anyone?)
As for selling out, that would be optimistic, Ranger. Three4thsforsaken, Nemerizt, and Ryuzaki are in for the long haul, and we intend to do something to this game.
If I may contribute again:
"The fact is they are getting screwed over profit-wise and job-wise when they've been in the market for a lot longer than the new users have, and the new users have x weeks of this ridiculously enormous bonus." -- Brent, referring to veteran forgers.
Wasp has said he still is getting forging jobs (or a job, at least, that will go on "indefinitely"). As long as he is getting business at a comparable profit margin, I don't see this as entirely and completely a travesty. Though, like I've said before, I do see how it would be frustrating, and I empathize.
One thing that I would like to reiterate is this: the NUB was designed to help newer players catch up with veterans, to fuel competition. The forging bonus that went along with it was discontinued because it was an unintended side-effect (or possibly an intended one with unforeseen consequences), but NUBs increased XP and $ growth rate requires larger weapons more rapidly. In order to catch up with veteran players, NUBs need not only character growth, but an economic base from which to purchase/upgrade items. Forging provides an economic base. When these players created their characters, forging was a viable means of generating income for them. It seems that, in Jon's opinion, it would be unfair to simply cut this off midway through (or a week in or two months in, depending on when they joined), so he left it for them. Now, if the NUB is supposedly designed so that a new player can, in 4 months, reach 95% of the top MPR with a fair bit of effort, then shouldn't they also gain 95% of the top NW (excluding USD variables) in that same time, in order to maintain decent equipment? If, in 4 months, a player can get a character to the same level as someone who's been playing for 3 years, then, assuming the bonus applies to forging, a player should theoretically be able to forge 95% of the amount forged by the top forger in ~3 years. This is quite excessive, which is the reason for the change, but follows the same catch-up rules as the rest of the game.
For the record, I do agree that small and Wasp have very legitimate grievances. I'm presenting this for the sake of discussion.
February 23 2008 3:49 PM EST
this does affect the game as a whole everyones getting their gears nw increased at a alarming rate, also the NUBs forgeing their own stuff get theirs increased too.
you say it like it's a bad thing...
the people who are getting it forged fast are going into debt fast (Nem has run Anubis dry), for them it's just now rather then later for their new NCB.
Ultimately the NUB people are become another USD sink, but only for a few people. Though I haven't seen very many forging jobs for the top players, Most of these forging jobs are for people trying to catch up and would rather spend their money on items rather than BA.
Again, it affects very few people in the entire game.
February 23 2008 4:04 PM EST
it IS a bad thing its not normal its irregular it makes it that much harder for a New NUB to climb.
Which ultimately affects the entire game.
February 23 2008 4:08 PM EST
Plus you have the highest vorpal in the game and u started in nov of 07.
Ive been playing since cb1 and all i got is a crappy SOD thats 25+ in the game
actually unless you have the people I am forging for on your fight list, it should not affect you. And if they are, you can fight them while they have no weapon.
The faster growth is actually good for all NUBs, with more people at higher scores with low MPR, there is more potential to have a bigger fight list with a bigger challenge bonus, for a good strategy of course.
The whole NCB thing will raise the score walls to more generous places.
actually, I don't have the biggest VB silly, I have it being loaned for a quick forge.
You still dont understand, nobody is supposed to gain money that fast. Hence the reason NUBs dont have that much of a money bonus. But now with this forging bonus, you're making profit which MORE than makes up for the little money bonus.
You do realize the the money bonus got increased for nubs as well. Forging gives a little more money than fighting at the cost of exp gain, for those of us with the bonus to forging at least. Are you going to complain about all the nubs fighting and getting 2 mil + a day with this new bonus as well?
well most forgers are not making more than 2 million per day. If this is the case, you are asking for a nerf solely to target 3 people in the game. I don't see us causing lasting effects on other players, unless of course we have you on our fight list ^^, but that doesn't even apply to forgers...
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