1600 BA for you (in Services)

DoS April 12 2009 3:24 AM EDT

If anyone is interested in transferring their character and loaning their gear for a few hours during the next Saturday EXP time then with the right price I would gladly spend it on your character. Post here or message me..

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 12 2009 5:01 AM EDT

I would like that but you will need to give me a relatively accurate approximate on the cost of such an exercise before i can give the go ahead.

AdminShade April 12 2009 8:16 AM EDT

Nayab, the cost of it is entirely up to you...

He cannot calculate how much it would cost, instead when you make an attempt to transfer your character, you can see it yourself ;)

Sickone April 12 2009 8:39 AM EDT

Character transfer cost = (4/3)*VMPR + 100k

Your (V)MPR is around 110k, and should go up to at least 160k if not more by the time your would transfer it, and the added MPR should be at least another 20% afterwards, if not more. So just the transfer costs both ways should be around 600k.
The service offerer has two higher-ranking characters (one in 7/20 for sure, maybe one in 6/20, not sure and don't feel like calculating now), so I bet it would cost the OP at least 1.5 mil just to buy those BA, if not more. He would also be able to get over 600k just by using those BA.

So all in all, just so that the service offerer could break even and make no profit whatsoever, you're looking at close to 3 mil CB$, and that's a conservative estimate.
I would say 4-5 mil CB$ would be a fair price to pay.

QBRanger April 12 2009 8:57 AM EDT

Remember if you do this, the person will have to pay xfer fees twice.

QBOddBird April 12 2009 9:48 AM EDT

I expect the service offerer would retire the said larger characters before purchasing BA, Sickone, as failing to do so simply lengthens both the accrual time and purchase cost.

DoS April 12 2009 10:48 AM EDT

Correct, I will be retiring my characters tonight.

DoS April 12 2009 3:13 PM EDT

I will be joining a fighting clan for the bonus.

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 12 2009 5:17 PM EDT

won't be able to do it i am afraid.
I won my auction

three4thsforsaken April 12 2009 5:50 PM EDT

good idea for a service. Great way to start an NCB with a bang or to get a huge boost early on in an NCB. A service like this would be very effective in the 100k to 1 million MPR zone.

Will you be looking for new targets if the old ones are outgrown in the period of time? Or will you simply just fight what is currently on the fightlist?

DoS April 12 2009 6:01 PM EDT

I can look for new targets. The last NCB I started with 1600 BA I got all done in 3 hours and grew it about 75k MPR.

DoS April 12 2009 11:08 PM EDT

I have a good offer for in a month. Would anyone like my services sooner?

Pwned April 12 2009 11:18 PM EDT

hey this is something i could do too i need more money i would also like to do this

DoS April 13 2009 1:32 AM EDT

You're a NUB. It is best if you keep fighting with your own character.

DoS April 13 2009 10:32 PM EDT

So I take it that I have no immediate job offers?

Demigod April 13 2009 10:53 PM EDT

You may want to give an idea of a price range. Loaning out items may be no big deal, but transferring characters for a few hours sounds very expensive. But then again, I've never dealt with those fees.

Demigod April 13 2009 10:54 PM EDT

Sorry for the double post, but I just saw Sickone's post...
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