Ugliest Nerf? (in General)
Here is the meanest nerf I could think of for familiars (without just taking away HP or DD).
Make them always spawn in front of the tat holder.
No more familiars in the 5th minion spot!
What is the Ugliest, meanest nerf you can think of?
May 12 2009 9:23 PM EDT
Cone of cold, meet friendly fire.
May 12 2009 9:27 PM EDT
Have familiars go back to how they first were.
20 HP.
Force all familiar based teams to use AS or suffer the consequences.
I was about to post taking away natural HP from familiars. But *some* people beat me to it. :)
May 12 2009 9:52 PM EDT
Get rid of junction?
May 12 2009 9:53 PM EDT
For familiars: Go back to the pre junction days.
For anything: Lower the base damage of all missile weapons by 1.
Or: Make DM not stack, only the highest one works.
was gonna suggest we trash AC and the ToE, so that we could cripple them and their natural counter (the VB), but apparently somebody else had the idea first :P
May 12 2009 10:21 PM EDT
MM fires from the front.
Isn't it bad that we find DDs synonymous with familiars?
May 12 2009 10:32 PM EDT
That is not at all strange to me.
With the xp gained, familiars easily outpace minions, except perhaps on single minions characters.
My single minion at 3.4M MPR had about 17M levels.
A familiar about 8M, has 10M levels.
Therefore a 2 minion character would have close to 8.5M levels each if same.
3 minions even less, 4 much worse.
The familiar, given junction, can be the most powerful mage on most characters. Then you use your minions to support it.
Yeah, you're right. I feel like statements like those really reflect the current state of CB.
the ugliest nerf that i can think of is to kill of all ability to transfer anything in the game.
May 12 2009 11:26 PM EDT
worst possible nerf I can think of:
leave the tutorial as is.
ooooh, that would cripple all hope of retaining new members...diabolical!
May 12 2009 11:44 PM EDT
20BA/5min 100 BA cap - Nerf to those without time on their hands
May 12 2009 11:48 PM EDT
Incorporate all DD spell levels into NW to be applied to that encumbrance thingy.
Make ED's cast before the familiars spawn.........
May 13 2009 12:01 AM EDT
hahaha, wicked NS >:D
May 13 2009 12:08 AM EDT
Make Fire Ball pre-nerf days
Erase all ability to use anything except your fists this includes UC! Boxer Blender Woot!
On a serious note I believe the ugliest Nerf I can think of is simple, Characters are Non Retireable/Transferable. You made it now your stuck with it >:)
A spell that traps them in a bubble for XX turns so damage (or bonus to stats) is taken or given depending on tattoo.
May 13 2009 12:23 AM EDT
Reverse nerf psychology...
allow multies.
NOW EVERYONE can try again (and again and again) and have the strongest most OP characters!
May 13 2009 12:33 AM EDT
Nerf brand AxBow? Actually, some people might love that idea.
May 13 2009 12:52 AM EDT
Merge all DD familiars into a single new "Tattoo of Amplification", which would have similar effects to a "Tattoo of Augmentation", but fine-tuned for mages (add 100% of tattoo level as DD level to the minion holding it).
Bring back Spid from the dead.
May 13 2009 1:11 AM EDT
Remove ablative shield
nerfs sut :D
Steve G
May 13 2009 1:27 AM EDT
the ugliest nerf bar none, was the announcement of CB2 :p
May 13 2009 1:49 AM EDT
Steve G wins. That nerf made me quit the first time.
May 13 2009 3:14 AM EDT
Unlimited BA refresh. Just clickin' away :P
Ugliest Nerf:
CB2 dies and there is no ressurection.
"Make ED's cast before the familiars spawn......... "
Don't EO's cast at the same time? :P
May 13 2009 12:13 PM EDT
Prettiest nerf i can think of:
Make it against game policy and a bannable offense to trade CB items or cash for real currency, except through the built-in link for buying supportership and supporter items through Jon.
May 13 2009 12:14 PM EDT
+1 to badfish vote ;D
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