Spawn randomization adjusted (in Changelog)

AdminNightStrike March 8 2010 8:40 AM EST

CB has always had spawn rate based on battles fought in the last 24 hours. This does not mean the same as it used to, however, because of many changes throughout CB history. It took a while, but I am now able to put in the new code for basing spawn rates on battles fought weekly. This should handle the current fighting styles much better, but it will take a week to stabilize. Spawn rates will be awkward for this week, but should be better next week.

Of course, everyone defines "better" differently. :)

I'm hoping GL is still running the complaint department......

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 8 2010 8:49 AM EST


Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 8 2010 8:56 AM EST


Demigod March 8 2010 8:56 AM EST

To confirm, this will avoid spike and valley periods of drops, but the numbers will remain the same?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 8 2010 8:59 AM EST

I'm hoping GL is still running the complaint department......

This one's all yours mate. ;)

Sickone March 8 2010 10:08 AM EST

Well zero times anything is still zero, and it's zero I mostly kept seeing recently, so... meh.

AdminNightStrike March 8 2010 10:17 AM EST

And SickOne wins the award for the first complaint!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 8 2010 10:19 AM EST

Well zero times anything is still zero, and it's zero I mostly kept seeing recently, so... meh.

All we need to do, is not fight, then we can divide by zero and gain an infinite amount of drops?


ScY March 8 2010 11:03 AM EST

Man my keyboard sucks.


Mythology March 8 2010 1:13 PM EST

Can I ask, do battles with tournament character count?

three4thsforsaken March 8 2010 2:06 PM EST

interesting. How does different BA regens fit into all this?

Demigod March 8 2010 2:09 PM EST

Rumor has it, they're adjusted to give the same drop rate.

AdminShade March 8 2010 2:15 PM EST

Can I ask, do battles with tournament character count?

Myth, I highly suspect not, especially since they are not eligible to earn an item.

three4thsforsaken March 8 2010 2:16 PM EST

My main concern is that although drop rates are increasing, the "pool" of items to be dropped might be the same. If it is, we might be, I dunno.... shooting blanks (what is the term I'm looking for?). Not enough items to go around.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 8 2010 2:29 PM EST

Hopefully though, this change will stop people seeing nothing all month, then 5 guys getting three drops each halfway through a wacky XP time.

DoS March 15 2010 3:22 PM EDT

So I take it the fullness of the auctions by the auctioneer is because of this? cool :)

AdminShade March 15 2010 5:31 PM EDT

more drops in auction and less with people? sounds to me like we're getting less bang for our buck?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 21 2010 12:50 PM EDT

it should have had enough time to stabilize by now and judging by the drops thread, the drop rate may be a bit high.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 21 2010 12:58 PM EDT

does the change also affect the auctioneer spawns as well?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 21 2010 1:05 PM EDT

Not sure on that dudemus and honestly I think the frequency being a little high balances out the lack of drops from before. On a side note I will say I think the Botcheck frequency has gone up a bit as well. It's gotten annoying again :-/

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 21 2010 1:26 PM EDT

if rares are going to become ubiquitous they might as well spawn in the store. auctioneer spawns, player drops and the black market are then redundant systems that when eliminated would result in more efficient code. auctions would likely be redundant as well with the advent of salvage yards and disenchant as tats could always be traded by fs/wtb.

it would be much easier to maintain the one system as opposed to the others as well.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 21 2010 1:27 PM EDT

not that i am arguing for that to happen, but i am left assuming that if ns wanted rares ubiquitous he would have gone that way instead of reworking the drop rate.

therefore, i stand by my former statement that the drop rate is a bit high. ; )

AdminNightStrike March 21 2010 6:23 PM EDT

does the change also affect the auctioneer spawns as well?

Yes, they are one and the same.

AdminNightStrike March 21 2010 6:24 PM EDT

I think the Botcheck frequency has gone up a bit as well


AdminNightStrike March 21 2010 6:25 PM EDT

i stand by my former statement that the drop rate is a bit high.

You're right, I'm just lowering it slowly. I cut it a little bit a day or two ago, and I'll probably keep cutting it a few more times.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 21 2010 9:24 PM EDT

i am very glad to know you are on it! thanks as well for the feedback.
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