Before I hit the door! (in Public Record)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 7 2011 9:52 AM EST

My char FGoD is now officially Windwalkers and soon I will send him 90% of my CBD enjoy bro! I honestly cannot think of anyone more capable ;-)

A side note before I hit the road folks. This was never out of anger, so many have thought this but it cannot be any further from the truth.

The point is simple, I'm tired. Take that however you choose but it will not change what it is for me. Every once in a while I'll pop into the forums or maybe hit up chat, until then Take care CB!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 7 2011 9:54 AM EST

Zenai (Z's Item Holder) Windwalker (FuerGrissa ost Drauka) $87000000 --For Char Upgrades 9:54 AM EST

And done!

Kingkiller March 7 2011 9:56 AM EST

Best wishes!! Thanks for everything.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 7 2011 10:00 AM EST

You suck, sad to see you go zen.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 7 2011 10:14 AM EST

Just when I thought you were coming back to us :(

You will be missed!

Demigod March 7 2011 10:24 AM EST

You'll get sucked back in. It'll start with just checking the threads, then you'll play a tourney. Before you know it, you'll be cashing in tax refunds to buy CBD. Hopefully we'll see another powerhouse single minion.

Catdog March 7 2011 11:45 AM EST

best wishes in all that you do zen take care

Windwalker March 7 2011 12:05 PM EST

so an extended break np
games always open though
'til it's not...
later Z

Fishead March 7 2011 1:01 PM EST

Take care, see you around in the forums. I've got gear for you when you're ready to run your NCB.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 7 2011 1:05 PM EST

Come back soon Z, and thanks for all your help over the years!

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] March 7 2011 1:06 PM EST

Hope to see you around again Zen. Come back when you are ready for a fresh start.

Pwned March 7 2011 2:13 PM EST

GL Zen come back anytime.

DoS March 7 2011 4:05 PM EST

See you around Z. Take care :)

Unappreciated Misnomer March 8 2011 7:28 AM EST


three4thsforsaken March 8 2011 11:08 PM EST

Take care, man :)

Sickone March 9 2011 12:24 AM EST

Sorry to see you get too exhausted and demoralized to go on.
Have fun with your newly found free time.

QBOddBird March 19 2011 1:46 PM EDT

You quit on March 5th, and from the 5th - 19th have made 81 posts

From February 12th - March 4th you made 30 posts

I honestly think you should have kept the items and CBD, Z. That way, you could make a good NCB run back up to where you were :]

If you do decide to run a NCB, let me know and I'll contribute to the BA cost fund

P.S. run a giant FB mage plz

QBOddBird March 19 2011 1:46 PM EDT

4th - 4th* not 12th

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 19 2011 2:29 PM EDT

Every once in a while I'll pop into the forums or maybe hit up chat, until then Take care CB!

Ehhh yeah I have been a bit more vocal since I stopped the gameplay. If I ever do an NCB I'll take you up on that funding offer OB. Thanks :-)

Demigod March 19 2011 5:31 PM EDT

You know what that was? That was a "moment." A special one. I think love is in the air.
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