July Drops (in General)

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 2 2011 12:10 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+9). Use it well!

Just what I always wanted.

Optimus(Prime) July 7 2011 11:55 PM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Spellboosters [4] (+4). Use it well!

someone[onabreak] July 8 2011 12:03 AM EDT

Nobody's ever pleased with my victories!!! :(

Shadow xEclipse July 8 2011 1:01 AM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victories and grants you a Elven Cloak [4] (+9)!

someone[onabreak] July 8 2011 8:06 AM EDT

Seriously, why don't I ever get one of these?

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 8 2011 8:11 AM EDT

^ they are completely random, I go months without getting them sometimes... and other times I get 3 in one week. Its that random.

someone[onabreak] July 8 2011 8:55 AM EDT

Ah, okay, so there's no minimum PR or MPR required?

Quyen July 8 2011 8:55 AM EDT


IPoop July 8 2011 9:14 AM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Endurance lvl 20. Use it well!

got that the other day

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 8 2011 10:33 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 10:32 PM EDT Delivered: 10:32 PM EDT
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Halidon Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] July 9 2011 3:02 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Blade of Thuringwethil [73x4] (+10). Use it well!

Quyen July 9 2011 4:12 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+0). Use it well!

should i be happy?

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 9 2011 9:24 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Balrog Flame lvl 20. Use it well!

Tylan July 10 2011 12:50 PM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Endurance lvl 20. Use it well!

Unappreciated Misnomer July 12 2011 6:20 AM EDT

From: system (6:16 AM EDT)
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x6] (+4). Use it well!

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 12 2011 6:26 AM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Junction [0] (+10). Use it well!

Ulmo really likes me this month, best drop I've ever had.

QBRanger July 12 2011 9:04 AM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of AC [0] (+9). Use it well!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 12 2011 9:12 AM EDT

Knew I was forgetting something......lol

From: system Sent: July 10 3:53 AM EDT Delivered: July 10 3:55 AM EDT Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mageseeker [5x6] (+9). Use it well!

Tylan July 13 2011 2:51 AM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Might [0] (+9). Use it well!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 17 2011 1:18 AM EDT

From: system 1:08 AM EDT 07/17/2011You find a A Mithril Chain Mail [28] (+7). Use it well!

QBRanger July 17 2011 9:58 AM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+0). Use it well!

IPoop July 17 2011 5:42 PM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Augmentation lvl 20. Use it well!

QBRanger July 17 2011 7:20 PM EDT

You find a A Blacksword of Nan Elmoth [92x6] (+7). Use it well!

Guardian July 17 2011 10:54 PM EDT

From: system Sent: July 15 2:15 PM EDT Delivered: July 15 3:27 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x11] (+8). Use it well!

From: system Sent: July 14 8:07 PM EDT Delivered: July 14 8:07 PM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Morgul-Hammer [84x5] (+6). Use it well!

From: system Sent: July 13 5:04 PM EDT Delivered: July 13 5:05 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [4] (+3). Use it well!

dj1914 July 20 2011 8:38 AM EDT

You find a An Amulet of AC [0] (+3). Use it well!

King July 20 2011 9:11 AM EDT

From: system Sent: July 19 10:34 PM EDT Delivered: July 19 10:34 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mageseeker [5x4] (+6). Use it well!

skurj July 21 2011 1:27 AM EDT

From: system
Sent: 12:45 AM EDT
Delivered: 12:46 AM EDT
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Long Bow [6x3] (+6). Use it well!

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 21 2011 5:26 AM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Elven Boots [10] (+8). Use it well!

Vation July 21 2011 6:16 AM EDT

First drop ever!
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+1). Use it well!

Quyen July 21 2011 6:18 AM EDT

shouldn't be so happy over that xD

Vation July 21 2011 8:04 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Blacksword of Nan Elmoth [92x8] (+6). Use it well!

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] July 22 2011 6:53 PM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Shield of Capacity [0] (+3). Use it well!

My first ever drop :)

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 22 2011 7:24 PM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x11] (+4). Use it well!


Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 22 2011 10:02 PM EDT

From: system 07/21/2011 12:28 PM EDT Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Helm of Ecthelion [6] (+4). Use it well!

Shem July 23 2011 7:35 AM EDT

You find a A Cornuthaum [0] (+3). Use it well!

First drop i've ever had! 0_o

Quyen July 23 2011 9:44 AM EDT

lol nice, first drop is instantly worth a million or so ;-;

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 23 2011 3:10 PM EDT

You find a A Blacksword of Nan Elmoth [92x1] (+0). Use it well!

Lord Bob July 23 2011 3:16 PM EDT

I got another crappy Katana.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 23 2011 3:28 PM EDT

From: system 07/23/2011 2:08 PM EDT Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x2] (+4). Use it well!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] July 24 2011 3:28 AM EDT

You find a A Mithril Chain Mail [28] (+9). Use it well!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] July 24 2011 3:29 AM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 25 2011 10:58 PM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!

Yay more crappy katanas

QBRanger July 27 2011 7:31 AM EDT

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x6] (+6). Use it well!

Such irony.

Shadow xEclipse July 27 2011 1:31 PM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you lvl 20 Rune of Solitude.

I liked my other drops better!!

Vation July 28 2011 11:48 AM EDT

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x6] (+10). Use it well!
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