Titan asked for this poll to be created.

Total of 72 votes

Yes, on a Droid 31.9
Yes, on an iPhone, iPod, or Ipad 15.3
Yes, on a Blackberry 2.8
Yes, on another type (please leave the OS in your comments 5.6
No! 44.4


Bob is poor.

Bob does not own a smartphone.
Bob wishes he had an Android.

-- Lord Bob

Iphone and Ipad

I use both and it runs quite smooth and well.

-- QBRanger

Symbian O/S

Yep, still have my NOKIA N97 for personal use and it's still the best keyboard phone I've ever used.
My Blackberry which I use for work isn't a patch on the NOKIA but it will soon be my phone of choice because my work has finally lifted much of the data usage restrictions that were previously in place.

-- AdminG Beee

My Droid brought me back to the game.

-- Fishead

I use a Nokia with Symbian sometimes, not regulary, might trade phone in a near future too :p

-- noidraug

Droid X2 ... Used to be the G2

-- {DF}malS 'lo emaS

you can acces internet on a phone?

-- Angel of Death

Nexus One

I play it on an in Europe rare Nexus One.

-- AdminShade

I still have an old Nokia brick for a phone :P

-- {WW]Nayab

Droid X

Works great on my Droid X :)

-- someone[onabreak]

Quyen haz none.

just as bobs says, me haz no phone. me wish ive me a smartphone >.>

-- Quyen

I have tried to play it on my blackberry. but it's to slow and I get hit several times before I get one fight done.

-- Mikel

I will eventually use one.

-- Admiralkiller

On a Droid

Droid Bionic and I love it.

-- Timberwolf

I said no, but only because I don't have a smartphone, and my phone cant access CB.. I tried :(

IF I had a smartphone the answer would be Yes, and it would likely be an Android phone.

-- Xenogard

I shouldn't have voted; I don't play cb on anything.

-- BadFish

i'll play cb on anything i can get my hands on XD pc, netbook, laptop, acer liquid (android) iphone 3g.. if they make it i will use it XD

-- TH3 C0113CT0R

Polled from an iPhone at school :D

-- DoS