
  1. Upgrading
  2. Reforge an item with a Name of Power
  3. Other Functions


At the Blacksmith, you can pay to have your weapons and armor upgraded, if the blacksmith will accept them (Low-level melee weapons are never accepted.) The cost to upgrade an item is always equal to the net increase in the item's net worth (NW). For instance, if an item is at +10 with a NW of $100,000, and you upgrade it to +12 for $20,000, then the new NW of the item will be $120,000.

The alternative to blacksmithing is the forge. This is useful if the blacksmith will not accept your item, or if you don't have enough money (forging is cheaper as far as direct costs are concerned). You can either forge an item yourself, or commission another player to do so for you. The Forging Services forum is helpful for this [1]. For more information about the Forge, see Forging.

Reforge an item with a Name of Power

In the Blacksmith it is possible to name your weapons. Here are the basics:

  • You may name two items for $10 USD.
  • The names will be active for one year; renaming adds to the active period, with a maximum of 2 years.
  • To extend the naming period of an item, just select it and give it the same name again.

Naming items not only makes them look cool, it also has the following effects:

  • Naming weapons increases to-hit enchantment by 3% and the damage enchantment by 150.
  • Naming armor increases its stats and armor class by 4%. If there is a bonus to stats or spells given by the armor, this bonus also increases.
  • Naming tattoos result in a 4% increase of their "experience", which will increase the level by slightly less than 4%. Levelling speed remains unchanged.

For the bonuses on armor you can use the following list to easily see the bonus:

  • If the total AC of the armor is between 1 and 25, you will get a bonus of 1.
  • If the total AC of the armor is between 26 and 50, you will get a bonus of 2.
  • If the total AC of the armor is between 51 and 75, you will get a bonus of 3.
  • If the total AC of the armor is between 76 and 100, you will get a bonus of 4.
  • If the total AC of the armor is between 101 and 125, you will get a bonus of 5.
  • If the total AC of the armor is between 126 and 150, you will get a bonus of 6.

For the bonuses on weapons, you can use the following list to easily see the bonus:

  • There is a fixed bonus of 150 for the X.
  • If the + of your weapon is between 1 and 33, you will get a bonus of 1.
  • If the + of your weapon is between 34 and 66, you will get a bonus of 2.
  • If the + of your weapon is between 67 and 100, you will get a bonus of 3.
  • If the + of your weapon is between 101 and 133, you will get a bonus of 4.
  • If the + of your weapon is between 134 and 166, you will get a bonus of 5.
  • If the + of your weapon is between 167 and 200, you will get a bonus of 6.

Other Functions

  • It is also possible to Disenchant weapons and armor the same way you upgrade through the blacksmith.
  • The Salvage Yard is also available from the blacksmith page.

    last edited by Cube at Aug 19 2008 - Edit Blacksmith

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