Combat Gi

  1. Basic Information and Statistics
  2. Forging Information
  3. Fun Facts
  4. NW Values by Enchantment Level

Basic Information and Statistics

Forging Information

  • Durability: [85, 15] (Uses 22 BA / Cycle) (forge efficiency approx. 0.92)


Fun Facts

NW Values by Enchantment Level

   +0  = $41,020
   +1  = $42,528        +26 = $169,204         +51 = $1,120,469      +76  = $8,263,322      +101 = $61,897,263
   +2  = $44,162        +27 = $181,478         +52 = $1,212,634      +77  = $8,955,371      +102 = $
   +3  = $45,933        +28 = $194,783         +53 = $1,312,540      +78  = $9,705,540
   +4  = $47,853        +29 = $209,205         +54 = $1,420,836      +79  = $10,518,711
   +5  = $49,935        +30 = $224,839         +55 = $1,538,227      +80  = $11,400,175
   +6  = $52,191        +31 = $241,786         +56 = $1,665,477      +81  = $12,355,668
   +7  = $54,637        +32 = $260,156         +57 = $1,803,414      +82  = $13,391,407
   +8  = $57,288        +33 = $280,069         +58 = $1,952,936      +83  = $14,514,131
   +9  = $60,162        +34 = $301,654         +59 = $2,115,015      +84  = $15,731,145
   +10 = $63,278        +35 = $325,052         +60 = $2,290,706      +85  = $17,050,368
   +11 = $66,655        +36 = $350,415         +61 = $2,481,152      +86  = $18,480,384
   +12 = $70,316        +37 = $377,908         +62 = $2,687,593      +87  = $20,030,498
   +13 = $74,285        +38 = $407,710         +63 = $2,911,371      +88  = $21,710,796
   +14 = $78,587        +39 = $440,015         +64 = $3,153,943      +89  = $23,532,212
   +15 = $83,250        +40 = $475,033         +65 = $3,416,887      +90  = $25,506,597
   +16 = $88,305        +41 = $512,992         +66 = $3,701,914      +91  = $27,646,797
   +17 = $93,784        +42 = $554,139         +67 = $4,010,879      +92  = $29,966,739
   +18 = $99,724        +43 = $598,742         +68 = $4,345,792      +93  = $32,481,518
   +19 = $106,163       +44 = $647,091         +69 = $4,708,832      +94  = $35,207,497
   +20 = $113,142       +45 = $699,500         +70 = $5,102,362      +95  = $38,162,414
   +21 = $120,708       +46 = $756,311         +71 = $5,528,942      +96  = $41,365,495
   +22 = $128,909       +47 = $817,893         +72 = $5,991,348      +97  = $44,837,582
   +23 = $137,799       +48 = $884,647         +73 = $6,492,588      +98  = $48,601,267
   +24 = $147,435       +49 = $957,007         +74 = $7,035,924      +99  = $52,681,040
   +25 = $157,881       +50 = $1,035,444       +75 = $7,624,891      +100 = $

    last edited by Xenogard at Jun 30 2011 - Edit Combat Gi

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