hello (in New players)

practik March 28 2012 2:12 PM EDT

i am a new player!

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] March 28 2012 2:12 PM EDT

Welcome to the carnage :)

Quyen March 28 2012 2:30 PM EDT


Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 28 2012 3:41 PM EDT

Welcome to Carnage Blender practik!

Getting past the Tutorial is half the Battle!

Life after the Tutorial can be tough as there is a lot of information to learn and some of it is not easy to comprehend. If you have any questions please feel free to pop into chat and ask them, there are many experienced players with answers willing to help.


Follow the links below to some of the best information on the site that you can get, made and compiled by the top players in the game.

Getting Started
Getting Answers
  • Official FAQ -This Should Answer a Lot of your Questions!
  • Unofficial FAQ -This Should Answer a Lot more of them!
  • Glossary -This Will help with all of those Acronyms Vets Spout off!
Things You Can Do

Keep in mind that this game is meant for long term play so Game On!

IPoop March 28 2012 3:43 PM EDT

welcome to carnage!

practik March 28 2012 6:27 PM EDT

how do i make my minion use the sling i equipped on him? i want to complete that challenge quest to use a ranged weapon, but he just fireballs them

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 28 2012 6:45 PM EDT

DDs, or magic spells, always have priority over weapons. So, since you have the DD fireball trained, it fires instead of using your sling. If you want to use the sling you'll have to unlearn FB.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 28 2012 9:31 PM EDT

Welcome to the blender!

Fishead March 28 2012 10:06 PM EDT

Howdy, welcome to CB!

practik March 29 2012 2:57 AM EDT

wow people are so friendly! hello everyone and thanks for dropping by!

i have a question... i'm following the faq guide to make a single minion fire mage, and it said i need a helm of clearsight. i saw one for rent for $200,000 for 20 days, and was wondering if anyone knew if it's worth it to rent that, or if I should just save up until I can buy one?

Quyen March 29 2012 3:48 AM EDT

IMO, Rentals are really useful. any price you see in there, is pretty much recovered in a day or 2.. if you feel its necessary to get a Helm of Clearsight, I should get it. otherwise, I would save up money to buy it.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 29 2012 4:11 AM EDT

HoCs range from 3-5m-ish depending on the seller, so I'd rent one in the mean time until you afford it. Most rentals are usually for 2-4 weeks and the price is easily recovered within a day.

<-- I probably have rented more then anyone else within the past 2 years >_>

AdminNightStrike March 29 2012 10:37 AM EDT

The rentals system is a great aspect of CB. That said, new players can usually always find vets that will lend them stuff for free.

practik March 29 2012 4:25 PM EDT

thanks for the tips! i rented my helm of clearsight today and finished all those home page quests!

i noticed that sometimes i will fight a character like 5 times and they won't die so i just move on. they usually have a bunch of minions and cast ablative shield and chain something. sometimes i can kill ppl who cast ablative shield but sometimes i'll lose many times in a row. is there any way to predict who i can defeat in the next battle vs who i will never win against?

Unappreciated Misnomer March 29 2012 4:49 PM EDT

You need to inspect the opponent. Look at how big they are and what they're using. It's good to know what everything does. Do not be afraid to experiment to find out what's good for you.

Try to keep track of what types of groups you can beat.
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